And now thanks to the reporting of SteveRS2000 from HeroQuestFans Discord... we have an official (?) release date... and title! Time to start a new mega-thread??
3/28: ATOH is of course now widely released in retail (with official PDF of the quest book and App update expected within 2 months)... enjoy the ride!
More Breaking News! Thanks to alert HeroQuestFan SteveRS2000 who stumbled upon this on a UK site, reported to our discord!
HeroQuest: Ogre Horde Quest Pack
Our Price: £34.84
(RRP: £40.99)
HeroQuest: Ogre Horde Quest Pack
Brand: Hasbro
Product Code: HASF9528
Availability: Expected on March 31st 2024
Note the dropping of "Against."

This is a title change from those store leaks earlier, of course titles do change prior to release.
They must have liked better how it showed up on the box, or a further clue that it was changing content inside. Recall they shortened the titles of the two other big expansions as well: Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror; Quest pack for the Elf: Mage of the Mirror...
Update: Finally some pictures revealing box contents and all the speculation about them until the full unboxing appears (hopefully shortly):