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Bows & Crossbows question

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Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Friday February 24th, 2023 7:54pm

I think the game makers didn't like the idea of a 3Att missile weapon essentially firing Long Swords every round so instead they gave it a reload time.
But what if you lowered the ATT value using NAgame dice?

Short Bow 1Att+1D6. Roll a 1 & do another point of Dam.
Long Bow 2Att+1D6. S/A above.

Light Crossbow 1Att+1D6. Roll a 1or2 & do another point of Dam.
Heavy Crossbow 2Att+1D6. S/A above.

Then just get rid of the reload time.

If you're a fan of the reload time, how about:

"War Crossbow "3Att.

For a laugh:
"Super Gigantic Massive Crossbow"
3Att+1D6. Roll a 1or2 for extra Dam. Essentially firing Battle Axes at monsters!

Is this good or would you adjust it somehow?
Last edited by burglekutt on Saturday May 20th, 2023 2:18pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Sunday February 26th, 2023 4:45pm

I cleaned up & shortened my post. Check it out & give me some criticism or pointers. Thanks!

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby Stoner81 » Sunday February 26th, 2023 5:31pm

Just make monsters harder to kill and leave the weapon alone xD

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Sunday February 26th, 2023 5:53pm

True true.
I've seen ppl allow the Crossbow to fire two shots at 2Att each before needing reloading which is reasonable.
But then we invent the "Long Bow 3Att" that doesn't need reloading & instantly the Crossbow is a bit sad due to the reload time.
Last edited by burglekutt on Sunday May 14th, 2023 3:57pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby Stoner81 » Sunday February 26th, 2023 10:48pm

In my rules I have the following:

Short Bow +1 Attack Die.
Long Bow +2 Attack Dice.
Crossbow +3 Attack Dice.
Repeating Crossbow +2 Attack Dice and fire up to 3 bolts per attack but if 2 black shields are rolled then the weapon jams and may not be fired for the rest of the turn. So it has the potential to jam on the first shot so no attack happens that turn but you can then try again on the next turn.

I converted all the weapons and armour etc to use pluses rather than flat numbers of dice to give more flexibility to everything. Is it balanced? I have absolutely no freaking clue :lol: but time will tell :D

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Tuesday February 28th, 2023 9:42pm

I'll meet you half way.

Short Bow 1Att+1D6. Roll a 1or2 for bonus Hit.
Long Bow 2Att+1D6. Roll a 1or2 for bonus Hit.

Light Crossbow 2×1Att. Roll a 1or2 for bonus Hit on both shots. Must reload.

Heavy Crossbow 2×2Att+1D6. Roll a 1or2 for bonus Hit on your first shot. Must reload.

This sits way better for me!
Maximum Damage:
SBow 2.
LBow 3.
LCross 4.
HCross 5.

I don't mind giving the Elf a 2&3Att with the Bows or Rogue a 2Att with the SBow & LCrossBow 2×2Att because those are bonuses to Class.

I never liked the idea of jamming, but for a complex weapon like yours that can fire 3× every other round, I could see that being necessary. That's a kick ass weapon by the way!
Maybe when I roll a 6 on the 1D6 it causes a jam for just that shot.
Last edited by burglekutt on Tuesday February 28th, 2023 10:48pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby Stoner81 » Wednesday March 1st, 2023 10:57am

Perhaps for the Heavy Crossbow instead you could do 1 automatic skull + 2Att. This would then remove the roll needed for the D6 which keeps it simple to one set of dice. I guess it kind of depends on how expensive your items are really...

Or maybe give the Light Crossbow 1 automatic skull and then give the Heavy Crossbow 2 automatic skulls (plus then the rolls).

Just spit balling ideas as they come to me so I make no claims that they are "good" ideas :lol:

Thank you about the weapon.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Wednesday March 1st, 2023 1:20pm

Wow that's that's pretty cool if you're saying :
SBow 1Att
LBow 2Att
LCross 1autoHit+1Att.
HCross 2autoHit+1Att.
Last edited by burglekutt on Tuesday May 9th, 2023 8:16pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby Stoner81 » Wednesday March 1st, 2023 1:59pm

No I'm saying;

Heavy Crossbow - 2 skulls automatically + 2Att.

I would then also restrict it to a Hero which has at least 6 if not 7 points due to the strength needed to reload it. A crossbow seriously hurts so I think the potential damage output should reflect that and then that is slightly mitigated by reloading and the Body Point restriction.

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Re: Bows & Crossbows question

Postby burglekutt » Thursday March 2nd, 2023 1:37pm

My post was to long so I edited it down to what you're talking about Stoner81.

SBow 1Att
LBow 2Att
LCrossbow 1Skull+1Att (single shot)
HCrossbow 1Skull+2Att (single shot)
SBow 1Att
LBow 2Att
LCrossbow 1Skull+2Att (single shot)
HCrossbow 1Skull+3Att (single shot)
Last edited by burglekutt on Saturday May 13th, 2023 11:19pm, edited 9 times in total.

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