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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby thewysardstower » Friday September 11th, 2020 6:24pm

https://heroquest.avalonhill.com/en-us? ... REaXXZvPwk

Not sure what's cooking at Avalon Hill but, this looks interesting. No mention of GW on the page though.

[Kurgan's topic overview up to p. 302:
https://forum.yeoldeinn.com/viewtopic.php?f=143&t=5381&start=3010#p131691 -edit]
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby whitebeard » Friday September 11th, 2020 6:28pm

Wow. So much for Restoration Games.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby monnock777 » Friday September 11th, 2020 6:34pm

not really seeing much information anywhere about this. I guess that what the timer is for.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby lestodante » Friday September 11th, 2020 7:39pm

Please edit the topic title in something more visible and in theme (ex: Heroquest by Avalon Hill).
There is also the Hasbro logo at the bottom, so I doubt Restoration Game is involved in this.
Also a http://www.twitter.com/heroquest account was created in august!
It may be a digital release or a brand new edition as the witch lord figure is completely restyled.
That Witch Lord looks like ARES from Saint Seya.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Kurgan » Friday September 11th, 2020 9:52pm

Interesting find! I had to look up AvalonHill... it's a board/war game company that's been around for ages. But ESRB... that's for SOFTWARE, so I'm guessing this has to be a computer game adaptation... possibly an official mobile game with new art? If it has online play and is cross platform, that could have some real appeal, even if it's not the physical 25th/30th/35th anniversary release so many were hoping for.

Nightmare scenario is a "World of HeroQuest" pay to win MMO type crap. If this is just some kind of nostalgic digital remake, I'm cool with it.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Sjeng » Saturday September 12th, 2020 6:17am

whitebeard wrote:Wow. So much for Restoration Games.

My thoughts exaclty. What is going on!?!?


It does seem to be for a board game... I'm beyond excited!!
But the exclusion of GW will likely mean: no Fimir, no Chaos Sorcerers & Warriors, and perhaps some other names. No big deal, and easily substituted, but it will be interesting to see how this all pans out.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby whitebeard » Saturday September 12th, 2020 8:29am

Sjeng wrote:
whitebeard wrote:Wow. So much for Restoration Games.

My thoughts exaclty. What is going on!?

Yep, looks like someone at Hasbro finally woke up. But unlike you, I am prepared for a major disapointment.

There are certain elements that make HeroQuest HeroQuest for me, and basically it is the rules. There is a lot you can do without changes to the rules. Change the board (two sided), change the spells, change the quests, change the monsters, add more heroes, add expansions with different settings (like caverns and forests), add more cards, add more cards, add more cards. But I don't see any game design team leaving the rules mostly alone.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby monnock777 » Saturday September 12th, 2020 8:37am

I have a feeling if they do make a boardgame they will mordernize it into something thats only heroquest by name.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby BStewart80 » Saturday September 12th, 2020 10:10am

I'll reserve judgment until I see what is what. We're all improving upon HeroQuest one way or another. It's about time Hasbro or someone official noticed. There is an interested market. It wouldn't serve them to blow this. Let's just wait and see.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Kurgan » Saturday September 12th, 2020 11:39am

Sjeng wrote:
whitebeard wrote:Wow. So much for Restoration Games.

My thoughts exaclty. What is going on!?!?


It does seem to be for a board game... I'm beyond excited!!
But the exclusion of GW will likely mean: no Fimir, no Chaos Sorcerers & Warriors, and perhaps some other names. No big deal, and easily substituted, but it will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

While I'm all for a nostalgic re-release, even if it's a total remake (a la Warhammer Quest), I'm not convinced this is not a video game... Monopoly on the PC can still be called a "board game" when it's completely digital. Again, somebody help me on this, is Avalon Hill known for video games? Because why would the ESRB be involved in a straight up BOARD GAME? I guess their campaign has gotten us talking, but we'll see when the time comes. Just remember, a video "board game" will mean they can tightly control the content, so all the customization we love won't be part of it. Like I said, the biggest plus would be if there's free online multiplay (especially in these days of social distancing). We're all dreaming of a $450 kickstarter akin to that anniversary project that was cancelled, but I wouldn't get my hopes up on that... and who knows what changes they will make? I like HQ simple, some like it complex, who knows how they would seek to integrate those fans. We just don't know!

Here's a long shot... what if there was an expensive limited edition physical game for the geeks like us... and a cheap video game for the normies? Then again despite the fandom, this would probably be seen as a niche product, so it's probably just going to be one thing. Again, I'm predicting a mobile game loosely based on the property. The logo is the best thing going for it right now.

Interesting side discussion on another forum here.

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