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Another old/new player

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Another old/new player

Postby fijigus » Tuesday August 7th, 2018 2:57pm

Hi from Washington State.

I've come to the site a number of times over the years and always figured one day I'd be here for good. And today was the day. My friends and I were big into gaming right when Hero Quest was at its height and played through a number of quests before Magic came along and changed everything (at least i think that was the main reason). For us it was middle school/high school and then just never made time in College, and afterwards was occasional magic or munchkin or other games, but nothing consistent. The old games just sat tucked away, even selling 3 quest packs years later when I realized their value. In hindsight, should have kept them as they seem to be even more valuable now.

But our family recently vacationed at a place nearby owned by a game designer (https://www.gutbustingames.com/), who had floor to ceiling shelves of games, and I saw how interested my son was in the games (finally got him away from minecraft...) and a new generation was born just like that. (Not to mention now I get to play again) Dominion pulled us in, quickly buying my own when I got home, and then buying multiple expansions to be dug into over the next few years. Then dug out my old games including HQ and munchkin and others. Then we hear of gloomhaven, so my friends and I get it, play it, and we are hooked all over again. But as gloomhaven requires lots of time and the right people in town at the same time, and way too much for an 8 year old, dominion, munchkin and of course Hero Quest will dominate all the other nights in between.

I've only got the witch lord pack still (sold kellers, barbarian and elf packs dangit) but getting here to print those others out will be almost as good as running through all these side and home made quests I'm finding and have already printed a few of. It's kind of exciting.

If anyone has a lead on the elf character card from the original US set, somehow mine is missing and a printed copy just isn't the same. edit: looks like I have all the other pieces. Willing to pay a few bucks to get an original elf card (and maybe a extrafew doors if someone has spare parts), ebay seems to be full of miscut reprints pretending they are legit. And willing to move this part of the post to the correct thread if anyone wants to comment with the correct thread.

like many here, digging HQ back out of the closet after Dominion, munchkin, drinking quest, and now Gloomhaven have sucked me back into the gaming world. As it's my set I have found myself voted all time Zargon :blackshield: |_P
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Re: Another old/new player

Postby mitchiemasha » Tuesday August 7th, 2018 4:24pm

Good to have you. Are you sure they are miss cut reprints. HQ had very low quality in the cutting departments.

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Re: Another old/new player

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday August 8th, 2018 8:24am

The end of the post has been copied into a new topic at the Ye Olde Market forum room.

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Re: Another old/new player

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Thursday August 9th, 2018 6:18am


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Re: Another old/new player

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday August 9th, 2018 11:41am

Welcome, dude, have fun! |_P
I find it peculiar that you sold three expansions, but not the other...
how come, if I may be so bold as to ask out of sheer curiosity?
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Re: Another old/new player

Postby fijigus » Thursday August 9th, 2018 7:31pm

knightkrawler wrote:Welcome, dude, have fun! |_P
I find it peculiar that you sold three expansions, but not the other...
how come, if I may be so bold as to ask out of sheer curiosity?

I can't remember 100% but I think for some reason at the time the kellers keep one fetched a high price and the witch lord everyone seemed to have. the elf and barbarian packs went for crazy money overseas.

searching through old character cards and stuff I copied, I had played all the way through standard, kellers keep and the elf pack I think, but somehow not finished witch lord, so it could have been combo of lower value plus wanting to finish it. I even made a copy of witch lord and the other two that were open in anticipation of playing them and then selling witch lord and then must have put it away and forgot. Never even opened my last one, barbarian I think.
like many here, digging HQ back out of the closet after Dominion, munchkin, drinking quest, and now Gloomhaven have sucked me back into the gaming world. As it's my set I have found myself voted all time Zargon :blackshield: |_P
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Re: Another old/new player

Postby fijigus » Thursday August 9th, 2018 7:35pm

mitchiemasha wrote:Good to have you. Are you sure they are miss cut reprints. HQ had very low quality in the cutting departments.

it's possible, mine just were no where near off center as all that I saw and got to thinking they weren't legit. but very well could be.

and thanks Daedalus for posting in the other forum for me.
like many here, digging HQ back out of the closet after Dominion, munchkin, drinking quest, and now Gloomhaven have sucked me back into the gaming world. As it's my set I have found myself voted all time Zargon :blackshield: |_P
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