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Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

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Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Friday August 28th, 2015 8:04pm

Hello! First post, hope you're all doing okay.

Like a load of other people, I'm venturing into the idea of making a HeroQuest computer game. I own the original UK set and a couple of expansions, but I was wondering who I could contact to talk about using the images from the .pdfs hosted on the site rather than scanning everything again myself.

Also, for now I'm using the tiles seen here (http://codepen.io/davidelrizzo/pen/Junzc) but I've got no idea where they came from, and the author of that Pen seems not to want to get back to me, so if anyone knows where those tiles came from I'd be very grateful.


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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Daedalus » Thursday September 17th, 2015 1:53am

Hmm...we all share the Hero Quest pdfs here for our personal use, and many make their creations available for others who care to download them for play. Most everything of the original game was scanned by drathe, the Inn's administrator. If your game is intended for this kind of community sharing, you should be okay. Best to shoot him a PM from your User Control Panel if you want to be sure.

However, computer games are usually offered on platforms that see wider use, and sometimes make money. This kind of use might create problems with Hasbro and should be avoided. A previous Inn member from France ran into trouble with Hasbro when he recreated the game and altered the artwork, then made it available at his blog site. After being contacted by Hasbro, he had to remove the material until he met some legal qualifications. Those were mainly disclaimers to original content that satisfied copyright issues, if I recall correctly.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Thursday September 17th, 2015 2:25am

Oh, it will be free to play - I should have mentioned that.

I figured I might get some interest from IP folk - I'll deal with that if it happens, I guess.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Daedalus » Friday September 18th, 2015 6:13pm

Some other free fan-created HQ games that have been around for a while: http://north-american.yeoldeinn.com/pc-games.php There are a couple of North American expansions released for HQ as well: The Elf Expansion Pack and the Barbarian Expansion Pack.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Friday September 18th, 2015 6:37pm

I saw those but they're all downloads - mine is fully online.

Note that I'm not saying mine's any better: I suspect it's full of bugs ;)

I'll share the URL as soon as I get done with the sound and a couple of other bits.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Daedalus » Saturday September 19th, 2015 3:52am

Sounds like things are going well. I haven't even played the older games. It's good you've seen them, as they offer a guide as to what hasn't yet been struck down for content. Maybe free computer games are distinct enough from the boardgame that Hasbro is content to let them exist. I hope this proves true for you, as it's nice new HQ fan content in any form can be available on the net.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Saturday September 19th, 2015 3:57am

Hopefully Hasbro has your attitude ;)

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Anderas » Saturday September 19th, 2015 10:29am

LurchBricks Isometric HQ game wasn't stopped, and it is really 1:1 Heroquest. Why should they stop this?
As long as it is hobby stuff (say: Nonprofit) or there is sufficient own creativity involved, they don't really have a handle.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby StratosVX » Saturday September 19th, 2015 11:02am

I tried playing the HQ games LurchBrick created, but they run incredibly slow through Wineskin on my Mac. I have had some ideas for one that I hope to be able to make that would be able to incorporate user generated content but the only programming language I have ever learned was Basic way back in junior high. I am currently trying to remedy that in hopes that I can make what I want. It would mostly look like LurchBrick's where I would use scans of the board, cards, tiles, etc. It's definitely a long way off though (if I can ever do it, that is). I also want to try getting one done for Battle Masters as I liked that game as well.

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Re: Ye Olde Inn Resource Re-use

Postby Grimdotdotdot » Saturday September 19th, 2015 11:37am

Here's a quick preview. Still plenty to do!

That's some really special move rolls from the elf.

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