Hmm...we all share the Hero Quest pdfs here for our personal use, and many make their creations available for others who care to download them for play. Most everything of the original game was scanned by drathe, the Inn's administrator. If your game is intended for this kind of community sharing, you should be okay. Best to shoot him a PM from your User Control Panel if you want to be sure.
However, computer games are usually offered on platforms that see wider use, and sometimes make money. This kind of use might create problems with Hasbro and should be avoided. A previous Inn member from France ran into trouble with Hasbro when he recreated the game and altered the artwork, then made it available at
his blog site. After being contacted by Hasbro, he had to remove the material until he met some legal qualifications. Those were mainly disclaimers to original content that satisfied copyright issues, if I recall correctly.