Here is a look into the storyline a bit and a short summary to the ideas for quests not wanting to say to much too quickly ethier...
Your reputation for being a assason has traveled well and you have been contacted by another assasin named vanguard who is a member of the brotherhood and has invited you to meet him and possibly become a apprentice of his to become a member of the brotherhood yourself. So you travel to the far off lands to the holylands where many of great battles took place for many great assasins and you meet vanguard at one of the old assasin temples. you notice it has been abandoned for a long time weather has taken its toll on the once grand temple. Vanguard notices your observation and comments... "yes it is a shame how times have changed this is why the botherhood is looking for new brothers to restore the lands. now the undead and disrespectful people have taken over many of the old halls of the brotherhood this is no exception as i take you through a piece of assasin history we will cut down the tresspasers.
Assasin Hero Stats
B6 A1 plus weapon attack D2 M5 move 2 red dice
may use one handed weapons and dual weild also wear up to medium armor
Legacy of the Assasin's Creed
pack I 10 quests
***note not actual quest names just the general idea until I reveal more.
01 Assasin Training- Deafeat your mentor "assasin mentor not thee mentor just to be on safe side lol" after you run through the halls of an old temple training and honing your skills.
02 infiltrate the church- take out commander templar
03 find the creed- clear a path to the temple
04 obatain the creed- fight your way to the temple and retrieve the creed
05 seek the templar general- his forces are after assasin artifacts
06 seek assasin's blade- get blade before the templars do
07 defend the brotherhood- templars have attacked the brotherhood base
08 seek leonardo- seek leonardo and save him from prison
09 take your birthrite- seek materials in the outskirts for your blade
10 put the church in its place- as it says after you are able to buy a 2nd blade and may move on to pack 2 assasin's cronhicles
pack II assasin's cronhicles teaser and preview of what else is planned
01 reestablish your brotherhood's territories- 5 trainees battle and train them but some may need to be presueded
02 rougue assasins- 3 assasins to fight
03 visit leo- training mission
04 take back pride and honor- 5 assasins same as quest 2 roughly but show them what your new reqruits are made of defend reqruits to earn bonus
05 templar remnats- 4 generals to take out
06 exterminate radicals- 7 trainee assassins 2 reg assasins 4 templars
07 Monster Assasin's?- goblin assasin! evil little green guys as assasins small and quick dont take him lightly!
08 seek the dark brotherhood- chaos assasin reg goblin and orcs seem to be fighting with them?
09 dark blade- 10 chaos assasins "dark blades"
10 death blade- Dont want to give away too much mwahaha
so there you have the teaser slash preview of the storline for 2 of my quest packs in progreess. So any comments or feedback so far please let me know.