The idea is to create 25 quests. Some ideas were already made:
Sjeng wrote:Hmm, multiple quest paths might be just what we need here...
Q1: village raided bij lesser evil, heroes only survivors, must work together. At the end contacted by Mentor.
Q2-Q3: followup quests where our heroes find out that the lesser evil is commanded by greater evil.
At the end of Q3 the party must choose what path to follow:
Q4-Q8: path 1: follow the dragonkin lead
Q9-Q13: path 2: follow the chaos lead
Q14-Q18: path 3: follow the greenskins lead
Undead mixed in everywhere, as the greater evil surely will have necromancers.
Players can choose to take just 1 path, or simply play all three.
After they find out the greater scheme of things, Mentor tells them there are artefacts that can defeat the greater Evil.
Q19: Go find artefact A (greenskin caves/mines? dwarf artefact)
Q20: Go find artefact B (dragonkin swamps? wizard artefact)
Q21: Go find artefact C (chaos beastmen woods? elf artefact)
Q22: Go find artefact D (undead crypts? barbarian artefact)
Q23: Find forgotten dwarven forge in chaos dwarven territory to combine artefacts into superweapon
Q24: Find secret lair of greater Evil
Q25: Defeat greater Evil
An approach idea:
knightkrawler wrote:So this is going a direction - or rather, a myriad of directions - where there's a need for me to say this:
1. Maybe everyone interested should at the very beginning WRITE A PLOT with subplots (a table of contents with outlined story), post that, and then let there be a poll to decide on the best story. Then ONE author - or a team of authors, for that matter, writes the outline, detailed into subplots/sub-quest packs and single quests with rough A->B plots. This cannot be something every single forum member squirts their juice into after everyone has made their entry and a poll has decided. Do not get me wrong there.
2. THEN, the quests have to be roughly assigned to different people, but only in subplot stages to put the different subbosses and artifacts in succession in there. Subplot after subplot. That is crucial. Special rules should be sparse, and left alone for wording for someone who's good at it (chaoticprime or Daedalus, e.g). Again, this will probably take the brunt of the time, and there's gonna be deadlines to meet. We have a year, but the subplots cannot be worked on simultaneously, but one after the other.
The questmaking at this stage is just a HeroScribe map with pretty much unformatted word-documents.
3. THEN, everyone who's still interested, can post WHAT THEY CAN/WANT TO WORK ON. Wording the cards, choosing images, writing special rules, writing the texts for spells, artefacts, equipment... That would be commission work for others having written quests and come up with spells for NPCs and stuff like that.
4. THEN, edit it. Community service here. Wording, coherence, grammar, everything. As few people as possible good at language should re-word all quest texts, almost simultaneously another person or two can edit and format the quests into pdf's.
5. THEN, layout. Finishing cards, adjusting stats, wording as many quests as possible by as few people as possible, for coherence. Making print-ready pdf sheets. Deciding if rule and quest book should be seperated, things like these. Editing again and again until December 2014. That is still the 25th anniversary. Then put it online.
So, write a plot, post it here, keep things clean here. Don't discuss each other's plots please, just post you own here. Make edits if you need by editing your own post!
After we've all had a chance to put something down, I will make a poll, so we can choose which plot is the most popular. If need be, we can even combine some plots into one ultimate awesome cool plot before I make the poll. Remember, you can edit you own post, so if you see something cool in someone else's plot, and you want to steal borrow the idea, go right ahead. It's ok to use ideas from others. The point is to create a plot YOU like, and perfect it in YOUR vision.
At the end we all should have plots we personally feel is perfect, and after that, we let the community vot on the most popular one.
Obviously, keep in mind that we can only use the monsters we decided upon, with minor deviations such as alternate weapons or slightly modded stats (orcish archers, beastmen with a spear, goblins with a bow/spear, a chaos warrior with a shield +1DD, minor things like that). Mini bosses such as sorcerers/shamans/chiefs can be added and given stats per quest, so don't worry too much about all that now. Just think of a plot which can fit the chosen monster factions and monster types.
[Jump to: Sotiris' arc, Sjeng's arcs, some Goblin-King chapters, Gootchute's arcs, MrBigB's chapter, arc, and chapter, Goldbearer's chapter -edit]