by drathe » Saturday March 7th, 2009 12:18am
At the moment all I can say is... sometime this year. Hopefully soon.
I was hoping to have something done over the holidays, but I ended up working more than usual, and my spare time was taken by get-togethers and other holiday events.
Right now, what I need most is motivation. Every time I sit down and warm up the scanner, I'm already bored and end up shutting it off. Every time I sit down and start coding the pages, I can't decide how I want them to work. Do I want all the cards and tiles in one place, or do I want everything separated by expansion? Should I have both?
I would like to create a central resource centre so to speak. A place where anyone can go to get a scan of that missing card or tile. But how deep do I go? Should I host a copy of everything I can get my hands on? I take it copies of the North American editions are a must, as well as English copies of the European editions. I guess I could also become the Grand Central Station and link to all the other sites in other languages.
Here's what I have already that I can scan myself (of course, if the work is already done, why do it again?):
North American:
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Barbarian Quest Pack
Elf Quest Pack
System - Advanced Edition with Dark Company (English & French, plus English Quest Book with The Maze)
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde (German)
Against the Ogre Horde (English - No Box)
Wizards of Morcar (German)
Wizards of Morcar (English - No Box)
Adventure Design Kit (English - No box)
Cover Art Work for (these are copies of the art used, not scans of the box covers):
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of Morcar
Definitely Need:
Cover Art Work for Barbarian Quest Pack
Cover Art Work for Elf Quest Pack
If you have any ideas/criticisms, I will surely take as much help as I can get (same goes for scans you or anyone you know may already have in their possession). I'm still trying to pinpoint a good design layout. Wondering if I should use a horizontal list of links across the top, or go with the buttons I already started using. Perhaps I'll make a few basic layouts and throw them at you for advice. I'm sure if we put our heads together we can come out with a fantastic site.
Hopefully I can get some more work done soon (kinda busy at the moment, my baby sister is getting married this week, and work is piling up again). Right now, I'm in much need of sleep, so I shall go and get some. Unless my brain keeps twisting on the subject and keeps me awake... again!
Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Tuesday January 1st, 2008 11:32pm