Cheers for the feedback, guys!
On the matter of organising your painting table, I am basically the most chaotic person in the world, but I'd still say that even a small bit of organisation can go a long way, especially when it saves you the time of having to set everything up each time: My muse is fickle, and if it takes me half an hour to set up shop, chances are my motivation may have passed altogether. Which is why I'd always suggest some kind of painting station, tablet or something similar, so you can keep your paints, palette and model(s) you are currently working on together and quickly set them up when you have a bit of time. This need not even be sophisticated: For these latest HQ models, I have simply set the small box I keep my most important paint in on my lap and worked at my desk.
Speaking of which, here's the next batch of finished models. The Zombies:
As you can see, I have gone for a very mouldy palette, seeing how these are, after all, shambling corpses
Oh, and on a partially related note, while digging through an old stack of WD back issues, I came upon a standalone game called "Squig Race" that was published in WD back in the late 90s. It features dedicated cardboard tiles that are very much in the classic HQ style (and might even fit the gameboard):
As you can see, the tiles include a squig pit, shaman's den and mushroom patch. Somebody else has probably already uploaded them elsewhere in the forum, but if not, I could make some proper scans of them one of these days, in case anyone's interested.
In closing, I couldn't help staging another small vignette:
As always, let me know what you think!