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KrautScientist finally paints his HeroQuest set

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Maurice76 » Wednesday May 8th, 2019 4:29am

Weltenlaeufer wrote:"@ Weltenlaeufer & Pancho: Oi! You gentleman might want to take your dirty business elsewhere! ;)

That being said, erm... @ Weltenlaeufer: I would be kinda interested in that info as well... ;)"

I have to admit I selfishly dropped the hint to keep this thread going with the expansion set minis one day! :mrgreen:

So, ehmm, before we head off towards painting again, is that guy into that for commercial purposes? Or is it a fan who simply makes an extra copy or two for fun?

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Tuesday May 14th, 2019 8:02am

Krautscientist is missing!! :shock: :shock: :D

I am slowly making progress and I am getting close to the heroes...they stand before me like the biggest challenge!!

Could you share the colors you used for your elf please? I think I gonna start with this one and work myself up the dwarf :lol:

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 10:00am

Hey everyone, sorry for the radio silence. I have a new update, however, as I've managed to take a couple of pictures of my finished HeroQuest set. Take a look:


There you have it, all set out on the garden table. And with my recent purchase of the four role boards for the heroes (and thanks to a couple of donations from my friend Annie), I am also the proud owner of all of the printed materials that came with the game once more. Yay!


On a related note, you probably won’t be able to make it out in the pictures, but that very loud green price tag up in the corner says “20,00 DM”, TWENTY Deutsche Marks. That’s 10 Euros (given the value of the Euro back when it was first introduced), but even if you are generous and figure in inflation,a price of even 20 Euros would be inconceivable for this entire package today, especially given the inflated aftermarket prices — seriously, if only I had picked up ten of those boxes back in the day, I would be a made man now :)


But how does this all look in an actual gaming setup? I created a little scene, mostly inspired by the quest called “The Trial” from the Master Edition’s questbook. Unfortunately, I had chosen the windiest day of the month, so both the GM screen and furniture kept falling over. But I was able to get a couple of pictures out of the ordeal. Take a look:









What a nostalgic feeling, to finally see the game set up in the way I imagine it was intended to be played. This really makes me want to actually give the game a spin — and hopefully it won’t be too long before I can make it happen!

For now, everything goes back into the box, however, along with a couple of still unpainted models that I am confident we’ll be seeing more of in the not-too-distant future:


Because today’s post hardly marks the end of my exploration of HeroQuest: For one, there are still twelve Men-at-arms to be painted, along with the extra Orcs, Goblins, Fimir (…) and Skeletons for the “Kellar’s Keep” and “Return of the Witch Lord” expansions, respectively.

As always, let me know what you think! :)


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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Thor-in » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 10:20am

That is an absolutely lovely paint job and work you have done. Well done. |_P
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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Stig » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 10:56am

Absolutely superb! You've done a terrific paint job, I am very jealous. You now HAVE to get back playing!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 12:49pm

Yessss! Very cool!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby lestodante » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 4:54pm

Thanks for pleasing my eyes with such beautiful pictures!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby defttitan » Tuesday May 28th, 2019 5:35pm

Wow! This is a top-notch paint job, and the clear and brilliant photography only highlights it!
The entire game board pops with color and personality. Well done, sir!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby arch8ngel » Wednesday May 29th, 2019 1:33pm

Looks amazing all together like that!

Really fantastic!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Saturday June 1st, 2019 11:54am

Thanks a lot for the enthusiastic feedback, everyone! I really appreciate the kind words, and they make this success feel even sweeter! :)

I am also pretty sure I wouldn't have finished the entire set without this forum -- at the very least, it would have been a less inspiring project, so thank you all for the feedback and suggestions! :)

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