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KrautScientist finally paints his HeroQuest set

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby lestodante » Saturday February 23rd, 2019 9:14pm

Your chaos sorcerer looks good also! You can stop and go on on for more figures.
Oh and please thou shalt not take the name of RemyT in vain!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Sunday February 24th, 2019 9:05am

@ lestodante: Hm, I wouldn't see citing Remy as one of my main inspirations as invoking his name in vain -- quite the opposite, actually... ;)

Anyway, here are proper pictures of the finished Warlock:




And of "Team Chaos" so far:


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby lestodante » Tuesday February 26th, 2019 3:23pm

Thanks for the nice work, that's very inspiring... I guess I need to handle my brushes once more!
The 3rd Chaos Warrior in the last photo is painted better than the other 3. I guess it is because of the helm, it has more shadows under the eyes.

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Tuesday February 26th, 2019 9:15pm

Cheers lestodante! And yeah, you should definitely get back to painting -- like that custom Witch Lord model that inspired me to build my own version -- just saying ;)

Regarding the Chaos Warriors, do you mean the third one from the left? Because if so, then here's a fun fact: That one is actually my least favourite of the bunch, mostly due to how stark those highlights turned out ;)

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Thursday February 28th, 2019 12:06pm

Alright, time for the next update: First up, I have managed to finish the mummies:


A fairly straightforward affair, for a change. This also means that I have finished the undead models. Yay!

I also have a Fimir test model to share with you. While it's an interesting study and there are some things I quite like about the paintjob, I think it'll still need some serious tweaking in order to work as my go-to recipe for the remaining Fimir models:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Thor-in » Thursday February 28th, 2019 12:29pm

Both look good.

For the mummies I would say to add maybe one more layer of tan or off white (whatever you used) in some spots, then seem to be lacking something to me.

For the Fimirs, try adding some yellow to your green, and highlight the tail with more light browns or dark tans mixed into your base color.

All and all looking good.
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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Maurice76 » Thursday February 28th, 2019 12:48pm

I notice you really painted the lighter green for the muscle accents, instead of dry-brushing it. Any particular reason why?

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Thor-in » Thursday February 28th, 2019 2:29pm

Maurice76 wrote:I notice you really painted the lighter green for the muscle accents, instead of dry-brushing it. Any particular reason why?

If you apply thin layers of paint on body parts like skin or armor, you will get a smoother and cleaner transition between colors when you highlight then if you dry brushed the highlights on.


I painted this Fimir the other day. I started with a dark green and added thin layer of a lighter green. The lighter I got the less area I covered. No wash or dry brushing on this model skin tones.

My turn to hijack your tread :D ;), you may have your hammer back now. |_P
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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby Maurice76 » Thursday February 28th, 2019 4:49pm

Thor-in wrote:
Maurice76 wrote:I notice you really painted the lighter green for the muscle accents, instead of dry-brushing it. Any particular reason why?

If you apply thin layers of paint on body parts like skin or armor, you will get a smoother and cleaner transition between colors when you highlight then if you dry brushed the highlights on.

Hmm, I guess that's a way to do it :P. In that case, though, I would suggest the layers on the Fimir of KrautScientist should have been done more subtley ;). But still, it's a good looking model!

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Re: KrautScientist finally (hopefully) paints his HeroQuest

Postby KrautScientist » Saturday March 2nd, 2019 2:18pm

Cheers for the feedback, everyone! Excellent food for thought! :)

Regarding the mummies, I think I'll be leaving them like that for now -- I do think they have enough contrast going on, and the slightly brownish bandaged seem rather appropriate to me -- incidentally, here's a proper picture of them:


As for the Fimir, you guys raise some excellent points. Regarding the question of drybrushing vs. layering, I would say that drybrushing wouldn't really have worked on an organic shape with a very smooth surface, like the Fimir's skin, so I was always clear that I would need to layer/paint the highlights rather than brushing them on. That being said, in hindsight, I got too greedy for a quick recipe, which is why the model looks pretty rough -- what I should have done, as suggested by Maurice and Thor-In, is to make the highlighting smoother, via going back in with the original green colour before adding the final highlight on top. Plus I think I'll be using a different wash next time around (dark green vs. brown/green). There's also the fact that the Fimir models are arguably my least favourites from the entire set, though: While the concept itself is cool, the sculpt seems a bit awkward in places.

That being said, there are also a few parts I am pretty happy with: The golden armour works pretty well, as does the obsidian-style axe, if you ask me. And I think I've actually done a pretty good job on the red jewel that adorns the belly plate. Here are some better pictures of the Fimir, too (although they do a fairly good job of making the model look nice, the skin is still kinda rough -- better luck next time ;) ).



And here's a look of the finished undead army, so to speak, commanded by the Witch Lord:


As always, let me know what you think! :)


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