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Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 12:06 am
by IvenBach
I don't think it's an age but rather a perception based on your actions. I see 'adults' 40+ that act like little kids. You're well on your way TMU to becoming a responsible human, adult or not :p .

Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 1:20 am
by Anderas
So he's human?

Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 2:18 am
by knightkrawler
Finnish. I think it qualifies.

Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 5:12 am
by TMU
Anderas wrote:So he's human?
knightkrawler wrote:Finnish. I think it qualifies.

Atleast the doctor has never said otherwise :bites-lip:

Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 5:17 am
by knightkrawler
He might be Finnish, too.

Re: My minis

PostPosted: April 28th, 2016, 5:48 am
by TMU
Damn, it's a conspiracy. I never thought of that.

Re: My minis

PostPosted: June 25th, 2016, 8:33 am
by Anderas
Step down in terms of quality - step up in terms of quantity:


Re: My minis

PostPosted: June 25th, 2016, 9:38 am
by knightkrawler
I do like me these a lot. Basecoat and wash, clean up and one highlight? I like the highlighting. Or is it natural light? It's bleded well, in any case.
Not bad at all. You just have to know which colors to choose for the basecoat and off you go.
Some people choose to dark a tint of the base and then after washing - or dipping even - it comes out too dark and dirty.
These are clean and nice to look at.

Re: My minis

PostPosted: June 25th, 2016, 11:13 am
by Goblin-King
I like these as well.
Especially because they are just normal peasants. That's rather hard to come by I think. Where are they from?
The paint job is indeed very good.

Re: My minis

PostPosted: June 25th, 2016, 11:56 am
by Anderas
Goblin King, it is Zombicide Black Plague, the base game.

The light of the photo is coming from behind the camera, so the shadows are all painted - but - the light is too much. For example the pink one on the left normally is not so bright.

First i coated them black and then i 2k based them with either light blue, light yellow or light turqoise, a third of each :)

Then painted them with thinned original colors, auto-highlighting them in the go.
Then i used armypainter for the first time in my life. Won't repeat, i think. You have to apply matte color after this step, and it stinks.

Next batch, i used GW washes. The result was faster because it was matte from the beginning. For example the leftmost Fatty is with GW washes, the other three are armypainter + matte coating.

What's new? Three more walkers and five more runners.
Three times the same three colors. :)


I like zombies. You can apply any skin color you like.
Best is either light yellow coating with dirty green wash, or light blue coating with sepia wash.

And if it is ugly, oh well, no problem because it is supposed to be a zombie, and there are lots of them more to do! :)

The left green one was actually yellow base coat and green wash. That was not so good, i think. The right green one was turqoise with sepia.

Ah yes, and the crows. :)