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My monsters

PostPosted: Wednesday July 29th, 2009 10:15am
by keyansark
Not sure if this a valid topic for this sub-forum, but seeing the active community in the site I wanted to share my baddies with you:

The Goblins

The Orcs

And two more

The Fimir (painted blue, as supposedly they were of reptilesque origins, as the actual Lizardmen)

The Zombies

The Mummies

The Skeletons

The Chaos Warriors

The Chaos Sorcerer (in a less-colourful McVey-esque way)

The Gargoyle still sleeps in the box. Waiting... waiting...

And some old metal skavens

With more plastic ones

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Wednesday July 29th, 2009 11:22am
by drathe
Very nice! Wasn't sure about the blue Fimir at first, but it quickly grew on me. Probably because I've been hankering for some Lizardmen in my own games. The blue is much better than the alternate pink/flesh tone I see many paint them up as. I really like those Skaven. The Old Metal sculps look far more rat like than the modern ones. I like how you've used the furniture for the backdrops. It really sets the HeroQuest mood in the images.

Fantastic painting in all. Wish I had the patience to obtain such skills.

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Wednesday July 29th, 2009 3:05pm
by Phoenix
I'm always jealous of those with the talent to paint up a good set of minis :mrgreen:

Although I'm still anxiously awaiting a painted set I bought from ebay and will hopefully have the rest of my minis painted on commision :D

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Thursday July 30th, 2009 7:14am
by keyansark
Thanks for the comments... :oops:

I also forgot, reviewing the additional quests in the site, that I also have the Talisman Minotaur. Ideal for that quest

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Friday August 27th, 2010 7:02am
by keyansark
Hi again:

After a little time, I am "heroquesting" again. I painted some news skavens, and better of all, the Gargoyle! Here are the pics.

Grey Seer

Beast Master

Rat Ogre


More detailed pics at:
Skaven (I)

Skaven (II)

More undead joined the party (including the white-boned Skulmar):

And, the party ruler... The Gargoyle




There are more pics at:
The Gargoyle

The Blog is spanish only, so if anyone wants details on how I painted some mini, just ask :)

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Friday August 27th, 2010 7:53am
by el_flesh
How do you lacquer them once they are painted?

And how do you get the black between thew teeth?

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Friday August 27th, 2010 8:08am
by keyansark

I simply apply a coat of Vallejo Matt Barnish. With a brush, never use sprays for this.

And the black is just the black priming showing... I painted each tooth using Bleached Bone and little Brown near the gum.

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Friday August 27th, 2010 3:16pm
by el_flesh
We gave ours a spray of lacquer then noticed some 5 months later that they were chipping from normal careful use.

So we sprayed them 2 more times. The colors got significantly duller...

not the way to go for painting figs...

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Friday August 27th, 2010 6:54pm
by ndsandman
Very awesome, what a talent to have.

The Skavens really have a nice look to them. The colors you used for robes, and skin color ...
well I don't see what something will look like till I paint it.

I like your work keyansark !!

Re: My monsters

PostPosted: Sunday September 19th, 2010 4:22pm
by keyansark
A little addition, one old Black Orc to be used as Warlord in the appropriate Quests


I can use it to show how I create Orc Skin. Black Orcs are simply a wash of Dark Green on the Goblin Green baselayer. Orcs have a higlight with Goblin Green to restore the color. Goblins are done the same, with an additional light of Green+Yellow.
