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My monsters

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Re: My monsters

Postby DragonHead » Monday August 29th, 2011 6:33pm

Wow, haven't been on FOREVER!!!
Since you seem to no what you're doing, I was wondering if you could give me some tips on painting. What paint to you use? What do you use for all teh detail?(brushwise) Do you buy new shades for each new mini?

Also, unrelated, is tehre a good place to go to get cheap minis?

I always wonder how much you pay for these minatures, I still don't have any decent men-at-arms and It's pretty hard to find on ebay and I'd also like skaven,wolves, ogres, all the ice beasts and other various cool figures.

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Re: My monsters

Postby Daedalus » Tuesday August 30th, 2011 3:13am

keyansark wrote:And I finally finished painting all my HQ minis (pending two pieces of furniture) with these two Chaos warriors. Painted in Khornate colours as I wanted to experiment with red armour for another future project.

The technique used, with WIP pics is detailed at
http://keyansark.blogspot.com/2010/10/g ... -caos.html

And the final result is this. What do you think: Yellow or Khaki highlights?

I'm for the yellow highlight. It adds a more powerful undercurrent.

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Re: My monsters

Postby DragonHead » Wednesday August 31st, 2011 3:57pm

Okay, so I looked at your earlier posats, but I was wonderign if you had any good insturctions for all this, I saw the paints you use, but I don't know much abotu any of this, is there a place I can go to find out more about this?

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