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Changes to existing weapons in AHQ

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Changes to existing weapons in AHQ

Postby Neuralstasis » Sunday December 1st, 2024 7:20am

So here is something that I have been working on for a while. It's a modification to the existing AHQ weapons and rules. I made this in an effort to make the weapons more balanced and to make each weapon be useful in different situations.

Primarily the changes are to the damage dice and critical number of the weapons, plus a important change to how critical hits in hand-to-hand work. (they now just halve the targets toughness like ranged attacks)

The rules changes are fairly simple but there is also a very long write up about why and how I changed the rules. I like to think of them as an improvement rather than a change. :D

This is sill a work in progress and I would love feedback that anyone could give. PDF is below:

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