by b_0 » Saturday September 30th, 2023 4:25pm
I'm not familiar with reforged, but after glancing at the files, I agree that it looks ink heavy. It would be nice if someone made a 'lite' version for easy printing without all of the fancy parchment backgrounds and color art on reference material (character cards, spell books, monster cards, etc.). Often times less is more, and it's difficult to find things without a bunch of artistic bloat where creators like to leave their mark. The same problem of too many frills seems to be on other similar reworks of AHQ as well, which is a major hindrance to using any of it due to it's impracticality. I was considering printing EAHQ and found myself needing to remove most of the images from the rule book (Even removing all of the images from it would be a vast improvement in my opinion). I wonder if anyone knows of an easily printable lite version of one of these kinds of systems with no images other than simple B&W miniature photos on the monster/character cards confined to one little area rather than taking up the bulk of the card, and maybe some minor B&W art(mostly white) for spells or whatever. In my opinion, only the floor tiles should have color. Though it could be interesting if B&W tiles were designed to be printed on colored paper, so the movement squares, cracks and details on the floor would be black lines that could be printed on different colors of paper or card stock.
There are various programs to edit PDF's depending on which operating system you use. You can export the pages to graphic files, then flood fill the backgrounds with white, then re-import the images to the PDF as new pages, then delete the old pages.