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Advice on Printing Reforged Version

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Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby dramblys » Saturday September 30th, 2023 1:47pm

Hi, I've just recently discovered Hero Quest and Advanced Hero Quest in particular.

I got fascinated by it and obviously found the Reforged version pretty quickly.

I'd like to print the tiles as a start, but the all the PDFs have this "redish" background, which will eat away my printer ink. Is there a way to print it without it?

Link for reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WOQcBW66qQ1bbE2U-wiMXgKemVsa5aX9

I'm also planning to print the following rules from this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ICa8KxV4oAR0jToMM-grqKHwOenkgmay:
Component Guide
Intro Rules
Core Rules Reference
Appendixes 1-5 & 9-11

Will all this be sufficient to experience the game for the first time solo or duo without a GM?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby b_0 » Saturday September 30th, 2023 4:25pm

I'm not familiar with reforged, but after glancing at the files, I agree that it looks ink heavy. It would be nice if someone made a 'lite' version for easy printing without all of the fancy parchment backgrounds and color art on reference material (character cards, spell books, monster cards, etc.). Often times less is more, and it's difficult to find things without a bunch of artistic bloat where creators like to leave their mark. The same problem of too many frills seems to be on other similar reworks of AHQ as well, which is a major hindrance to using any of it due to it's impracticality. I was considering printing EAHQ and found myself needing to remove most of the images from the rule book (Even removing all of the images from it would be a vast improvement in my opinion). I wonder if anyone knows of an easily printable lite version of one of these kinds of systems with no images other than simple B&W miniature photos on the monster/character cards confined to one little area rather than taking up the bulk of the card, and maybe some minor B&W art(mostly white) for spells or whatever. In my opinion, only the floor tiles should have color. Though it could be interesting if B&W tiles were designed to be printed on colored paper, so the movement squares, cracks and details on the floor would be black lines that could be printed on different colors of paper or card stock.

There are various programs to edit PDF's depending on which operating system you use. You can export the pages to graphic files, then flood fill the backgrounds with white, then re-import the images to the PDF as new pages, then delete the old pages.
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Re: Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby dramblys » Saturday September 30th, 2023 5:43pm

There's is a printer friendly version of all the rules etc, but I like these "book" versions, because I can print high quality colored ink using HP's instant ink service, which costs me close to nothing and print hundreds of pages of high quality colored material.

The problem is that the tiles have this dark red background, and after printing a few I'd run out of red color ink in the cartridge, and would have to wait for HP to send me a new one which takes a week or so. And it also seems overly wasteful even if it does barely cost anything. So thought maybe there's a trick or some common knowledge why that background is as such and way to print it without the background color.
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Re: Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby RECIVS » Sunday October 1st, 2023 4:14pm

dramblys wrote:I got fascinated by it and obviously found the Reforged version pretty quickly.

Welcome to the club! I'm sure you won't regret it.

dramblys wrote:I'd like to print the tiles as a start, but the all the PDFs have this "redish" background, which will eat away my printer ink. Is there a way to print it without it?

I've been playing Reforged heavily for almost a decade now, and I've never needed to print those tiles. My advice would be to focus on learning the system first. It's really not that complex or complicated after all.

dramblys wrote:There's is a printer friendly version of all the rules etc,

Slev used to include a text-only version, but not with the current release I'm afraid.
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Re: Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby Stabsam » Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 2:31pm

I would recommend a different method for tiles. It will no be 1 to 1 the same but it will work perfectly and has the least amount of work. Buy cursed city playing materials without figures twice from Ebay etc.- you will have enough tiles then- maybe cut some for more corridors but in total you will be fine. There are also dice and markers included which can be used. And the best thing is, I bought 2 copies for around 35 €! You will never get an easier and cheaper way to get tiles because if you wanna print them and glue them etc - it is sooo much work, you wouldnt expect!
I have done one expansion for blackstone fortress, which had only some tiles but gluing them on hard paper and cutting them, took forever if you wanna do it perfectly!
The big adavantage is also, the tiles of cursed city work for the whole age of sigmar range, since they are a little bit bigger than the standard tiles. But you will have to do some arrangement for the rooms and corridors. I dont use the same amount of squares for corridors and rooms- i just use the ones mentiond in orig. AHQ as a guideline and furthermore therefore all my rooms and corridors will not align as the originals did.

But just the amount of work is def. worth spending some money if you dont wanna spend weeks to make the piles!
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Re: Advice on Printing Reforged Version

Postby slev » Monday May 27th, 2024 6:21am

Late reply (RL still leaving me in the chaos times). Appologies.

For board sections, these are sized so you can print them as digital phots. Super chap and you can spray mount them onto greyboard, and cut them out with a steel rule and rotary cutter. Alternatively, shop them to put them onto a digital poster print , then do likewise.

For the books, the "print friendly" version isn';t just text, but was never popular and it was too much of a pain to maintain three different versions. Sorry!

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