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Two-handed weapons and a shield?

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Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby Dieterdg84 » Friday September 8th, 2023 10:39am

I'm trying to find any specific rule about this in the official rulebook, but I can't seem to find it anywhere:
Are heroes allowed to use a 2-hander combined with a shield?

My common sense would say no.. but was wondering what everyone else thinks on this.
Or maybe only allow a spear with shield? Since those aren't as heavy..

Did they specifiy it somewhere in the book? The rules are scattered all over the place ;) ... quite easy to miss.
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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby The Admiral » Friday September 8th, 2023 11:21am

I don't think the rules actually define a two handed weapon. The Battle axe can't be used with a shield. As we assume the Battle axe is a two handed weapon, we can further infer from the restriction that shields are not allowed with two handed weapons.

The rules don't approach the situation like this, they just say what weapons can't be used with a shield. The Equipment cards tell you whether a specific weapon can be used with a shield. If you introduce weapons yourself you will have to decide for yourself if they can be used with a shield, and a good guide from the Battle axe card would be no.

There are also house rules you can make yourself. For example, the rules allow a shield with a crossbow, but I personally consider the crossbow to be a two handed weapon and so don't allow it to be used with a shield, but that's just me.

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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby Dieterdg84 » Friday September 8th, 2023 12:13pm

The Admiral wrote:I don't think the rules actually define a two handed weapon. The Battle axe can't be used with a shield. As we assume the Battle axe is a two handed weapon, we can further infer from the restriction that shields are not allowed with two handed weapons.

The rules don't approach the situation like this, they just say what weapons can't be used with a shield. The Equipment cards tell you whether a specific weapon can be used with a shield. If you introduce weapons yourself you will have to decide for yourself if they can be used with a shield, and a good guide from the Battle axe card would be no.

There are also house rules you can make yourself. For example, the rules allow a shield with a crossbow, but I personally consider the crossbow to be a two handed weapon and so don't allow it to be used with a shield, but that's just me.

Thanks for your reply!
I'm talking about Games Workshop's Advanced Heroquest. I think you are referring to the normal MB / Avalon Hill Heroquest?
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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby The Admiral » Friday September 8th, 2023 4:23pm

I was indeed.

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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby ampersand » Monday September 11th, 2023 3:24pm

lol you aint wrong... doesnt mention it anywhere. i guess in nature of playing we all just make the assumption on what is a 2 handed weapon, however there really is no rule!

i play slevs ruleset so havent looked at vanilla for a while, and slevs ruleset does have it covered, i guess its just something you take for granted... still its only taken 30 years for someone to point this out to me ahaha

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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby Dieterdg84 » Monday September 11th, 2023 4:55pm

I asked the same question on the AHQ BGG forums and got a pretty good response there that makes sense:
I think if the weapon is called "Double-Handed" you shouldn't be able to use a shield. I would say any weapon that requires Strength less than 5 you can also use a shield. In the Terror in the Dark expansion the Human Man-At-Arms character sheet has a halberd AND a shield, even though you would expect a halberd to need two hands.

I'm going for this approach. :)
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Re: Two-handed weapons and a shield?

Postby b_0 » Tuesday July 9th, 2024 3:49pm

The chaos champions use two handed weapons and shields:
Screenshot from 2024-07-09 13-37-16.png
Screenshot from 2024-07-09 13-38-36.png

The men at arms are depicted with halberds and shields in the core rulebook, though the info says they have sword and shield:
Screenshot from 2024-07-09 13-40-06.png

In Terror in the Dark, they are pictured with sword and shield, but the info says they have halberd and shield.
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