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AHQ - Overland Travel

Topics related to Games Workshops Advanced HeroQuest.

Re: AHQ - Overland Travel

Postby b_0 » Tuesday October 1st, 2024 2:12am

Dieterdg84 wrote:
b_0 wrote:It's interesting. The bestiary could use some expansion.

You are right. Only added some ideas from greywolf. I've been thinking to make an expanded Bestiary book one day.
But got some other things I'd like to do first. So many hobby idea's, so little time :)

It would be nice if there was simple standardized format that would be shared by various projects so that additions to each project would be compatible with the others. I've been making some creature cards trying to make them similar to the originals with pictures of miniatures so that I can just expand the original card sheets without needing to replace the originals.

For example, I made this card...

...for this "Ral Partha Europe" miniature

(This miniature costs less than $6): https://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/fantasy-warband-rpg-minis-28mm-c-181/monsters-and-beasts-c-181_206/undead-ogre-p-4794.html
They also have a 20% off discount on any order until October 6th (discount code: Autumn20 )

It could also be nice if there was a centralized place for people to post their bestiary additions so that it's not only one person creating everything. Japans United Gaming Society on youtube has a nice system to convert 3rd Edition Warhammer stuff to AHQ and they've made some interesting additions which I wish other projects would incorporate.
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