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Sjeng wrote:get them here:
Uploading them now. can take a few minutes.
Daedalus wrote:I found some other pics and a scan.![]()
I wonder who the artist/artists were. Perhaps he/they were given a Hero Quest game and made his/their own deductions as to what Morcar looked like, deciding that the screen art depicted Morcar. Or perhaps he/they were told by GW or MB that the screen showed Morcar. Shouldn't someone from either GW or MB have been advising this throughout the process before the art was finalized? Then again, the same should have applied to the HeroQuest Marvel Winter Special, where Stephen Baker was advising. Either one or both communication lines were insufficient for supervising Morcar's look. Seems like in at least one case it was the plan to have the art finished in one go so as to save money and time. Maybe nobody knew what Morcar looked like beforehand, and it was left to the artists to decide. The Marvel art seems to support this lack of information, as the face is left unrevealed. The Merlin art went the other way and modeled him on previous art from the game screen.
lestodante wrote:For me he's Mentor with no doubt, he's on the hero cards, in a frame. In Marvel Winter special he is Mentor too.
The pic on the screen rpresents Mentor reading Loretome and announcing the evil forces of Chaos attacking (he's seeing it through the Loretome pages).
Also the Evil Wizard Player acts as both Morcar (for moving the monsters miniatures and) and Mentor (guiding the players and reading Mentor's speech before each quest); so this is also why the screen is half goog (top part with Mentor) and half evil (lower part with the monsters).
Kurgan wrote:it would be easy to give that figure a blue cloak.
lestodante wrote:Kurgan wrote:it would be easy to give that figure a blue cloak.
Good idea! Here it is:
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