Kurgan wrote:Speaking of the Hero Quest craps table (who is making that next? we've seen enough 3D dungeons people, get to work! Didn't Phoenix have one in progress some years back?)... how about some of
those dealer rakes? (The things are way too big though) You know, for Zargon to retrieve those hard to reach items?
Instead of buying one of those curved canes they use to retrieve dice off a craps table ($38?)...
My solution was the bamboo backscratcher (never used for its intended purpose), which I got for 75 cents at Walmart clearance (from their holiday stocking stuffer overstock):
Just the right size to snag an out of reach miniature, or as a pointer...
So the official name Plotting Rod, although close analogs are a croupier's rake or roulette rake. Too expensive for my taste. (picture is just a sample, not my work)