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Paint TV - Great miniature painting videos

PostPosted: Friday February 19th, 2021 2:06pm
by Weltenlaeufer

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Friday February 19th, 2021 9:35pm
by monnock777
I need to get around to watching some of these

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Monday February 22nd, 2021 3:18pm
by Weltenlaeufer
monnock777 wrote:I need to get around to watching some of these

Yooo :) check em out, especially the first one about basecoat wetblending I really like but they are all excellent.

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Monday February 22nd, 2021 8:52pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Anderas and Stigs recommended that site to me a while ago. I surfed around and didnt find many videos but here is what looks to be a killer resource link with written painting tutorials with pics!

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Monday February 22nd, 2021 9:21pm
by Weltenlaeufer

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Wednesday December 8th, 2021 1:42pm
by Weltenlaeufer
I bought another tabletopworld piece which I am about to paint and as a reference for anyone who is painting buildings here are some very cool painting guides


Blacksmith Forge

Cottage by Picassawi



Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Wednesday December 8th, 2021 3:09pm
by Anderas
If you are really new to painting minis and want to get into it, a great advice is also to go to a painting class!

Roman from Massive voodoo for example teached me the one or the other thing after I had years of experience already. Those pro mini painters often teach, too, and it is worth the time and the money.

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Thursday December 9th, 2021 11:13am
by Weltenlaeufer
Anderas wrote:If you are really new to painting minis and want to get into it, a great advice is also to go to a painting class!

Roman from Massive voodoo for example teached me the one or the other thing after I had years of experience already. Those pro mini painters often teach, too, and it is worth the time and the money.

Great tip Anderas! I want to do this at some point. I looked at the stuff Roman does and it looks nuts! Gotta find a class here!

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Friday December 10th, 2021 3:06pm
by Weltenlaeufer

Re: Great miniature painting advice

PostPosted: Wednesday December 22nd, 2021 8:07pm
by Weltenlaeufer