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What do you use for sealing minis?

Tips and tricks for painting miniatures and anything else.

Re: What do you use for sealing minis?

Postby hightechartist » Monday September 16th, 2019 1:36pm

Krylon K01303007 Acrylic Spray Paint Crystal Clear

I prefer my actual HQ minis to be unpainted, but when converting other minis to look like HeroQuest minis (for example, for rare expansion minis that cost $60 each on eBay, or for minis for 4 new Heroes I made) I use the acrylic spray to protect the paint. I also used that spray on my HQ box, as it protects the inked part from being worn off.

Here are my four minis for my 4 new heroes: halfling, gnome, priestess, and fighter (with barbarian in the middle for comparison). They are painted dragon red and sprayed with the clear enamel spray.
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Re: What do you use for sealing minis?

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 12th, 2020 4:22pm

I agree with this! A lot of my minis I mix matte and gloss acrylics together and get a nice satiny finish that needs no varnishing, but I WILL apply a layer to the weapons/armor (generally the parts that are likely to be touched during play... dunno about you but I always grabbed the character by the sword to move them).

I too have gone with the solid base colors... cool to finally see someone else who has the same idea. I have some matte spray finish but I don't use it for these minis. Instead I use DeocArt Americana DuraClear Satin Varnish (comes in 2 fl oz. bottles at Hobby Lobby). Despite the title, it's pretty glossy, and so if you go really thin it has a nice look, but if you glop it on its really shiny. Great stuff!

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