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Painting White and Black

Tips and tricks for painting miniatures and anything else.

Re: Painting White and Black

Postby Flacktron » Thursday February 14th, 2019 2:45pm

knightkrawler wrote:That's just a tad too light to represent black. If you want to have it black, try going over this with(several) thin coats of black ink until you like the result.
It looks good, though. It might be gray as is, but I compliment you on your blending. |_P

Ahhh water down the ink. I made the mistake of applying it straight on and it pretty much went back to black so I had to start over. I do agree it is more grey than black. It'll take me a bit of practice but hopefully when I find a way of doing it i can use that method on black hair, armour, robes etc

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Re: Painting White and Black

Postby Thor-in » Thursday February 14th, 2019 3:40pm

Thor-in wrote:layer with watered down dark blues and dark grays as you see fit and highlight your mini.

knightkrawler wrote:try going over this with(several) thin coats of black ink until you like the result.

Acrylic paint you always have to water down the paints to a constancy that is not to thick but not to thin.

That goblin looks good. I will agree with knightkrawler, your blending and highlights are excellent. |_P
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