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Varnishing minis.

Tips and tricks for painting miniatures and anything else.

Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday August 6th, 2016 4:27pm

I have a rough plan for a 2.5D dungeon that would fit into budgets and timeframes
along with painting minis and writing questpacks instead of a real 3D one pushed back years and years as a project.
I'll definitely post any results.

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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby GimmeYerGold » Wednesday August 10th, 2016 4:40pm

I read the title for this thread as VANISHING minis, and thought "who stole your minis, Figomurphy?!!" :o

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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby Redav » Sunday August 14th, 2016 12:00am

Anderas wrote:If you varnish with gloss, you will have ugly glossy minis.
If you varnish matte, your metals become greys.
If you varnish before you paint the metals you do it right but that will take a lot more time.

You could use a combination of gloss and matt depending on the finish of the item.
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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby slev » Thursday September 1st, 2016 9:04am

GimmeYerGold wrote:I read the title for this thread as VANISHING minis, and thought "who stole your minis, Figomurphy?!!" :o

Vanish, not missing. Someone cast an Invisibility spell...

I varnish my minis.

These days I use three coats of matte since I can't find any decent gloss varnish since Citadel stopped making 'Ardcoat.

I used to use a coat of gloss then a coat of matte, which was fantastic for both colour and protection.

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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday September 1st, 2016 3:24pm

slev wrote:'Ardcoat.
I used to use a coat of gloss then a coat of matte, which was fantastic for both colour and protection.

On metallics, too?
Cause I do have several pots of 'Ardcoat. Should try, methinks.
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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby slev » Thursday September 1st, 2016 3:28pm

knightkrawler wrote:
slev wrote:'Ardcoat.
I used to use a coat of gloss then a coat of matte, which was fantastic for both colour and protection.

On metallics, too?
Cause I do have several pots of 'Ardcoat. Should try, methinks.


the two colorations cancel each other out.

talking about the old sprays though. current lot are different.

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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday September 1st, 2016 3:33pm

I figured.
I have some of the old matt sprays, too.
Will use those after 'Ardcoat, then, sell the new ones, go Army Painter on other things.
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Re: Varnishing minis.

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday September 16th, 2019 11:38am

Anderas wrote:If your minis don't do contact sport, rather don't varnish them.
If you varnish with gloss, you will have ugly glossy minis.
If you varnish matte, your metals become greys.
If you varnish before you paint the metals you do it right but that will take a lot more time.
If you apply the matte varnish too thick, highlights disappear. In the recesses you will have an ugly mid grey cover.

Or you just shortcut all these problems by not using varnish and avoidIng that your models touch each other too brutally.

This just answered my question! Thanks brother, I think I ll keep em without.

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