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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
So here we go with some pictures, I used these colours in this order for the prep work (photobucket deleted my pictures):
#1 Primed Halfords Grey,
#2 Undercoated scorched brown (use calthan for lighter bronze/gold, snakebite for mega shiney)
#3 Dwarf Bronze/tin bitz
#4 Dwarf Bronze/shining gold Highlight (Burnished Gold for mentally shiny)
Step 5
Two coats of devlan mud - let it dry thoroughly between each
Step 6 This is a wet palette, I live by the wet palette, it cost me 99p (sponges) and is made from a firebelly tray (lid keeps it wet overnight), wet sponges, and baking paper, capillary action steadily sucks water through to your paint meaning it doesn't dry out so fast.
Step 7
Hawk Turqoise: Frankly the best colour ever released, mixed VERY thin, skimmed milk or less, wet palette stops it from drying out and making another batch of a different consistency.
Alternate Verdigris Mixes/Additions
+Dark Angels Green (usually followed by a 'highlight' of straight HT as above), slightly darker
+Goblin Green - A bit more..gren
+Skull White - Gives a very different (somewhat more realistic) look, you can mix all of the above, play around!
I'm pondering about doing one every weekend or something, we'll see how it goes, I've got a few sets of pictures prepped so I may build up some credit and put out a slew of them in the next few days when my eyes need a break from painting thundertusk horns...
Step 8
Either blob it all over, or concentrate on recesses, I chose the latter:
Step 9
Let it Dry
Done, here's it on a unit of leadbelchers' cannon :
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