See the PLAYLIST of our multiplayer adventures here: HeroQuestFans Multiplayer on Youtube

Our friend StrangeBus also has simulcast some of the games (with alternate royalty free music!) for example here.
Using a mixture of assets (reprinted classic board with 1 inch squares, which looks better on camera; Remake main assets, but some 3d printed furniture and 3d printed analogs for the unique Frozen Horror Minis), I also incorporated some house rules based directly on the DRAFT NOTES provided thanks to LucaPaschi's "leak" of the cutting room floor material from this (and other) quest packs from back in day (early 90's).
Blind Trap Jumping Rule: A Hero may designate one or more squares on the board that he will attempt to "Jump" on his movement, even if Traps have not been previously searched for. These behave just like any other traps one is jumping and can be done through an open doorway. If a skull is rolled, the Hero will touch that square (and suffer any consequences) but if no trap hits he can continue his movement, assuming he has squares left.
Yeti Hug Escape Rule: I slightly modified this. The Draft notes said a "Hugged" hero rolls two combat dice... 1 white shield negates damage that round, 2 white shields escapes the hold AND the Yeti may still defend but with 1 less (2 instead of 3; presumably the hero himself can also defend from outside attacks with 1 less but this hasn't come up yet). So he doesn't have to worry about being hugged "alone" and be doomed to die. My modification is that he can roll THREE dice and if he happens to roll THREE white shields, he REVERSES the hug, meaning he does a pro wrestling move on the Yeti, dealing 1 damage to it (this is a fun one). I also allowed a hero with "Courage" on to roll FOUR combat dice, but only while courage was active. If nothing is rolled, he takes 1 BP of damage that round and continues to be caught in the "hug."
I also implemented my usual house rules...
Using the Ron Shirtz "Combat Cards" (see Phoenix's page) and dealing 2 of them to the Barbarian (and to the Dwarf if he's playing).
Uncommon Heroic Feat: A player comes up with a plausible action he could do, and if Zargon approves, he rolls 1 Combat Die. On the roll of a Skull, the action works. Examples might be leaping up on a table to get an advantage, hunkering down inside a pit to avoid an attack, or bashing down a door to surprise the enemy, etc. So far we haven't done the same for monsters (Uncommon "Villianous" Feats). In theory there can only be one allowed per turn, but in the past I have let some players do more (more restrictions as it gets abused).
Wizard starts with 2 random potions (this is from my Alchemist character in the De-magicified mod).
Since we played LIVE on Twitch (originally, before posting to Youtube) the chatters also are able to use their "channel points" (as Gold Coins) to "buy" potions for heroes (or monsters for Zargon, either a wandering monster or a random monster to add to the pool, meaning probably in the next room encounter) and things like that. This varies based on whether people are paying attention or if it's a large group, etc. I put limits so it won't be abused of course. Chatters can also vote to have the deck reshuffled or make suggestions. I also allow them to give the heroes another "search" in a room (but heroes of course can decide to use it or not).
I do play to allow the Wizard (Alchemist) to be able to search a room with a Sorcerer's Table (and no quest note) and instead of drawing a Treasure Card, restore one of his spent Spells (Alchemist Skills; if he has none used he could draw a random spell scroll/alchemist item). Similarly if there is an unmarked Weapons Rack I would allow the first hero (and probably all heroes) the option to draw a random Equipment card rather than a Treasure card.
Unmarked Chests will have something added to them, most often a Potion of Healing (or Elixir of Life in some cases).
I've added Gold rewards to the first three (solo) quests and the Armband of Ice as a reward for completing Solo quest 3.
Instances of a treasure chest being normal but surrounded by spear traps has been corrected (instead it's just a furniture trap on the chest itself).
I am allowing more than one hero to work together on the Solo quests. I adjusted the gold rewards to more evenly divide between the heroes who are playing these quests.
I plan to put a Toolkit as a hidden treasure in one of the rooms since there are so many Traps (and no Dwarf yet).
Other than that, we've tried to play the quests pretty much as written. A couple times I've forgotten to put something out (a pit trap was remembered after several heroes had already crossed that part so I just didn't mention it for example, or another time I allowed a hero to get another potion when technically he shouldn't have been able to).