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The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

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The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Monday June 13th, 2022 12:48pm

On April 24th, 2022 I posted a youtube video of our first live attempt (previously I'd played these solo quests with my bro, using a tricked out Barbarian and it was a big challenge) at the Frozen Horror (Barbarian Quest Pack) in anticipation of the remake release later this year and to highlight some of the difficulties.

See the PLAYLIST of our multiplayer adventures here: HeroQuestFans Multiplayer on Youtube |_P

Our friend StrangeBus also has simulcast some of the games (with alternate royalty free music!) for example here.

Using a mixture of assets (reprinted classic board with 1 inch squares, which looks better on camera; Remake main assets, but some 3d printed furniture and 3d printed analogs for the unique Frozen Horror Minis), I also incorporated some house rules based directly on the DRAFT NOTES provided thanks to LucaPaschi's "leak" of the cutting room floor material from this (and other) quest packs from back in day (early 90's).

Blind Trap Jumping Rule: A Hero may designate one or more squares on the board that he will attempt to "Jump" on his movement, even if Traps have not been previously searched for. These behave just like any other traps one is jumping and can be done through an open doorway. If a skull is rolled, the Hero will touch that square (and suffer any consequences) but if no trap hits he can continue his movement, assuming he has squares left.

Yeti Hug Escape Rule: I slightly modified this. The Draft notes said a "Hugged" hero rolls two combat dice... 1 white shield negates damage that round, 2 white shields escapes the hold AND the Yeti may still defend but with 1 less (2 instead of 3; presumably the hero himself can also defend from outside attacks with 1 less but this hasn't come up yet). So he doesn't have to worry about being hugged "alone" and be doomed to die. My modification is that he can roll THREE dice and if he happens to roll THREE white shields, he REVERSES the hug, meaning he does a pro wrestling move on the Yeti, dealing 1 damage to it (this is a fun one). I also allowed a hero with "Courage" on to roll FOUR combat dice, but only while courage was active. If nothing is rolled, he takes 1 BP of damage that round and continues to be caught in the "hug."

I also implemented my usual house rules...

Using the Ron Shirtz "Combat Cards" (see Phoenix's page) and dealing 2 of them to the Barbarian (and to the Dwarf if he's playing).

Uncommon Heroic Feat: A player comes up with a plausible action he could do, and if Zargon approves, he rolls 1 Combat Die. On the roll of a Skull, the action works. Examples might be leaping up on a table to get an advantage, hunkering down inside a pit to avoid an attack, or bashing down a door to surprise the enemy, etc. So far we haven't done the same for monsters (Uncommon "Villianous" Feats). In theory there can only be one allowed per turn, but in the past I have let some players do more (more restrictions as it gets abused).

Wizard starts with 2 random potions (this is from my Alchemist character in the De-magicified mod).

Since we played LIVE on Twitch (originally, before posting to Youtube) the chatters also are able to use their "channel points" (as Gold Coins) to "buy" potions for heroes (or monsters for Zargon, either a wandering monster or a random monster to add to the pool, meaning probably in the next room encounter) and things like that. This varies based on whether people are paying attention or if it's a large group, etc. I put limits so it won't be abused of course. Chatters can also vote to have the deck reshuffled or make suggestions. I also allow them to give the heroes another "search" in a room (but heroes of course can decide to use it or not).

I do play to allow the Wizard (Alchemist) to be able to search a room with a Sorcerer's Table (and no quest note) and instead of drawing a Treasure Card, restore one of his spent Spells (Alchemist Skills; if he has none used he could draw a random spell scroll/alchemist item). Similarly if there is an unmarked Weapons Rack I would allow the first hero (and probably all heroes) the option to draw a random Equipment card rather than a Treasure card.

Unmarked Chests will have something added to them, most often a Potion of Healing (or Elixir of Life in some cases).

I've added Gold rewards to the first three (solo) quests and the Armband of Ice as a reward for completing Solo quest 3.

Instances of a treasure chest being normal but surrounded by spear traps has been corrected (instead it's just a furniture trap on the chest itself).

I am allowing more than one hero to work together on the Solo quests. I adjusted the gold rewards to more evenly divide between the heroes who are playing these quests.

I plan to put a Toolkit as a hidden treasure in one of the rooms since there are so many Traps (and no Dwarf yet).

Other than that, we've tried to play the quests pretty much as written. A couple times I've forgotten to put something out (a pit trap was remembered after several heroes had already crossed that part so I just didn't mention it for example, or another time I allowed a hero to get another potion when technically he shouldn't have been able to).
Last edited by Kurgan on Monday June 13th, 2022 1:12pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Monday June 13th, 2022 1:06pm

Quest 1: the Xanon Pass!

I played this quest TWICE on my own and failed both times. The Barbarian was killed. The third time a friend picked up the character but had to go and I was not able to finish it. The next time we had the Barbarian joined by a Guardian Knight and they were able to complete it.

I justified the Gold Rewards given by saying the families of those slain heroes who previously attempted it had put bounties on their killers.

Also I should point out here that it took multiple sessions to finish most of these quests, and since I was usually playing with new people, I did not "Remix" the quest layout as suggested in the rules (when I played solo, YES I knew the quest layout in advance and I still died, it was more of a demonstration!).

The Xanon Pass was a very long quest and TWO guardian knights joined the Barbarian (with identical stats to what Hasbro put out, played by PSK aka Knuckelhead and friend Bluestar). All characters used basic starting gear and these were people who had never played HeroQuest before (with the exception of the Barbarian player StrangeBus who had played half of the same quest with me previously). Playing online tends to be slow because people are adjusting cameras, there's a slightly delay (often about 10-20 seconds) between when I place objects and players can see the screen, though they can hear me virtually in real time on Discord so that helps. I only use one game set when I'm playing as Zargon (in the past we had each person setup their own game if they had one). I also roll all the dice for everyone on camera. PSK (Knuckelhead) didn't survive, as he went off on his own and while he got a lot of gold, he didn't make it out alive, while BlueStar (Knight) and StrangeBus (Barbarian) went on to the next quest...

Quest 2: Trial by Ice. Here the Barbarian made it through the whole thing safely without any other heroes, but with some help from the chat of course.

Quest 3: The Rescue. Here we had a new player ComradePolski take control of the Barbarian (another new player). He met his end almost at the goal of the quest in Gothar's room, but at that time StrangeBus joined us again and he took control of BlueStar's Knight to come to the rescue. I had planned ahead to put an Elixir of Life in this quest so that they would have a reason to go back and get the slain Knight to revive him for more adventures. Instead it was used to revive Polski's Barbarian! Since PSK died at the hands of a Mummy I upgraded the Mummy to an elite Monster and portrayed him as a "Mummy Shaman" in the Tomb room next to the regular mummy, who was trying to revive the Knight in corrupted form with his alchemical potions of chaos. This of course was stopped and the Knight's body was carried out (1 movement die). The heroes saved Gothar and retreated out. I awarded the Armband of Ice to the Barbarian and they prepared for the next quest...

In between I restored to the Japanese rules where the Knight was taken to a nearby Temple where the monks used their medicinal skill (at the cost of the Knight's store of gold, which he gladly donated to the care of the local orphans) to revive him to full strength. The extra helmet found was used to fortify his defense and meanwhile the Barbarian and other Knight were close to maxing out their gear.

Now June 11th...

Quest 4: The Glacial Gate begins! We had JacerJ joins us (had played HQ before, if I recall correctly) took control of BlueStar's Knight and PSK (who was in and out) controlled his own Knight, while StrangeBus joined us later as his Barbarian and newcomer (a HQ veteran) Bob, joined us as the Alchemist! (Wizard mod). This has so far shaped up to be an exciting game. It started with two heroes, then grew to three and later in the game became four.

This time PSK negotiated his way to a character mod... he sold off his shortsword and shield to help afford a Battle Axe, but since he lost two of his skills in the process, I let him get two Combat Cards in compensation. I would do the same if the other Knight asked but he was satisfied with his current gear.

I also allowed an uncommon feat of an (accidentally drawn from the Potion deck) "Poison" card instead of being just nothing, be used to enhance one attack with an extra body point of damage (uncommon feat).

The Heroes pulled off all kinds of uncommon feats to destroy the first big batch of monsters (dual Yetis and Polar WarBear). And we're hoping to do more like it in the weekends to come...

I stream these on Twitch Saturdays 6-10pm Central Standard Time (USA) at http://www.twitch.tv/heroquestfans/ and within 24 hours or so they get posted in replay form on youtube (XSC3 home of heroquestfans).

Very challenging stuff, even with all the tweaks and fixes, but it goes to show it IS possible. If you are playing without the benefit of an audience who can contribute potions, it's probably a good idea to increase the gold values a bit and throw in some extra potions (feels natural to put them into empty chests or in rooms with unmarked furniture).

They didn't hire any Mercenaries this time and so for that oversight I'm going to allow the chat to buy them as well (technically they had 150 gold which could have afforded some). I'll assume that up to 12 mercs COULD be hired since that's what the Remake will allow... up to 3 of each type (Halberdier, Swordsman, Scout, Crossbowman).

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday June 14th, 2022 9:13am

Now that we have some experienced players on board I think things will go faster with less explanation necessary (less "tutorial").

I also figured we could speed things up by using the "haste" rule (can use full movement if no monsters on the board)... and allowing Secret Doors AND Traps to be searched for in a single search (EU style!). We'll see how that goes next time.

Also we'll be putting turn cards on screen as a faster reminder and if possible, send copies of character sheets to the players so they can more easily keep track and turns can go quicker.

They really need Mercs and if those are there it's going to be even harder for one person to keep track of everything and go at a decent pace!

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday June 15th, 2022 11:29am

Next we'll be LOWERING the price (in channel points aka Gold Coins) to redeem bonuses for the Heroes or Zargon.

Heroes who are playing don't get to cash in these rewards, but anyone else in the chat get to (and the GM approves).

So while the Barbarian couldn't buy himself a Skill or Potion, one of the Twitch chatters could do so. So it's like professional wrestling... you've got to get the "crowd" on your side! Also, I understand not everyone is going to be able to sit there for the entire stream building up gold until they can do something really awesome. Some people may just be able to hop in for a few minutes, but at least even they can make a contribution to the action.

So come check out the Twitch channel for our next game! Next Saturday we plan to try to finish up Quest 4 (the Group Quest).

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Saturday June 18th, 2022 1:19pm

The plan is for the next game to take place TONIGHT 6-10pm Central time (US) on Twitch.tv/heroquestfans with HeroQuestFans discord voice channel "Quest Talk" open for those who want to chat live.

I am recording for a different locations so hopefully the internet speed isn't a problem, but if it is, we can re-schedule for another time if needed. Up to four hero slots are open!

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Sunday June 19th, 2022 1:36am

Played another 3.5 hours and got a good portion of the Glacial Gate completed... many deaths later. This is a tough quest, and a lot of monsters. Many bad rolls and wandering monsters but also many heroic feats...


Some technical issues and wooden dice for the first 22 minutes you can skip ahead. Will be posted on youtube within 24 hours...

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Monday June 27th, 2022 9:31am

Despite implemented time saving measures (full movement when no monsters present, searching secret doors & traps as a single action), these quests are LONG! At least we're having fun.

After many technical issues, we got the Glacial Gate (Q4) going again and it will probably be at least one more session to finish (guess each will be a four parter at this rate!). Four heroes now (and three mercs). I didn't give the heroes an opportunity to buy mercs at the start so the twitch chat got a halberdier, crossbowman (who took some damage) and a swordsman (who would have died but he was handed a potion earlier to revive... not covered in the rules but I treated him like a hero for the last minute save).

They fought a great battle to wipe out the Gargoyle(s) (one was a bonus monster, randomly chosen) and the one that commanded the Chaos Warriors, who was given a name Gorgnack the Legendary. Lots of fun! The Alchemist was rescued and revived with an Elixir of Life and finally got his Staff and Cloak that were sorely needed (since he wasn't a fully equipped character at the start of this quest, as we hadn't had prior quests to build up the other heroes besides the Barbarian and two knights).

The "3+ white shields = wrestling move" mechanic has proven to be a lot of fun. For the first time I applied it to the bad guys as well (3+ black shields rolled). As before I buried a few more treasures in the quest and when there was a choice to be made I tended to make it more favorable to the heroes, simply because of the crushing, brutal difficulty of this quest as written. Lots of characters are dying, of course. Still no Dwarf or Elf in this campaign yet (the two Guardian Knights we used in the Solo quests are continuing).

More to come...

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Saturday July 9th, 2022 12:18pm

Tonight we are going to attempt another run (barring technical difficulties). One of our members has expressed the desire to playtest a quest using only the new fixes proposed in Into the Northlands, so we'll see who shows up if we can make that happen. Then it will be back on to the Glacial Gate completion!

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby SirRick » Thursday July 14th, 2022 6:10pm

Kurgan wrote:Tonight we are going to attempt another run (barring technical difficulties). One of our members has expressed the desire to playtest a quest using only the new fixes proposed in Into the Northlands, so we'll see who shows up if we can make that happen. Then it will be back on to the Glacial Gate completion!

I am curious as to how this turns out. I feel the errata changes are a really good start, but it doesn't seem quite enough.

I suggest the Barbarian get the Spiked Shield artifact before Quest 1. The quest giver gives the shield to the Barbarian stating he needs this to survive. Then Zargon doesn't have to pull his punches (as much).

I think the other new artifacts should be given out rather early as well, but the shield seems the most important to give out immediately to legitimately avoid the Yeti hug of death.

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Re: The Frozen Horror Chronicles (HeroQuestFans)

Postby Kurgan » Friday July 15th, 2022 6:47pm

If Zargon provides duplicates of these artifacts, he can effectively nerf his own FH specific monsters, but just taking the minimalist approach only one hero will get the benefits.

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