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Orc Bard impressions

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Orc Bard impressions

Postby cynthialee » Sunday March 6th, 2022 12:35pm

Yesterday we played a game of HQ, once again me as Zargon.

I sent them into a home brew quest to rob a lich who was away from his lair. Lots of laughs and a good time was had. They got most of what they came for and discovered the location of the Lich's phylactery. Hidden under the treasure pile of a powerful dragon in the area.

My brother played the orc bard in place of the Dwarf, and while at first I was worried the lack of a Dwarf was going to be a hindrance, they gave the wizard a tool belt so the dwarf was not vital to the quest.

The Orc bard was the MVP of the game hands down. The Inspiring Speech card was a great addition and the ability got refreshed numerous times due to players getting enough White Shield on rolls. They gave the Bard a crossbow and he was last in turn order. Many times they would clear a room just in time for the bard to walk in and have first crack at looting the room. So he ended with a lot of special treasure. When he was in combat with the crossbow he killed like a god of war. Just pure lucky rolls. I couldn't get a black shield to save my butt. However when the Barbarian was coming at my bad guys with 4 and 5 dice attacks, I was rolling double black shields on 2 dice all day. I had great luck against the barbarian.

We really liked how the bard played out and his healing spell is rather potent with it being able to effect all friendly forces. The Orc Player is really looking forward to playing the dude in a game with mercs, which is the next adventure....

The entire table enjoyed having the Bard in play. I of course sent any Orc monster in play at the Bard every chance "TRAITOR!!!" :)
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
~Sun Tsu The art of War~

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Re: Orc Bard impressions

Postby Kurgan » Saturday November 5th, 2022 4:06am

We played him as an Orcish pirate (same abilities) and he did a great job as a support fighter in the game system!

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Re: Orc Bard impressions

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday March 8th, 2023 6:47am

That all sounded like a lot of fun!

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Re: Orc Bard impressions

Postby Sjeng » Sunday July 9th, 2023 2:42am

An Orc Bard you say? I approve!
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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