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Christmas Day Battle on the Road to Grunberg (Battlemasters)

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Re: Christmas Day Battle on the Road to Grunberg (Battlemast

Postby Nlinindoll » Monday December 27th, 2021 11:30am

I just picked up a “nearly complete”, but pristine condition Battle Masters off of eBay. My intention is to introduce Battle Masters to my HeroQuest gaming group right after the last quest of Kellar’s Keep. There’s a big battle to save the king explained in the exposition of the epilogue that I want to essentially act out with the group via Battle Masters (and I may just stack the deck to ensure Chaos Forces take the Keep). I figure it will be a nice change of pace for the group. I’ll report back when the box arrives.

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Re: Christmas Day Battle on the Road to Grunberg (Battlemast

Postby HispaZargon » Monday December 27th, 2021 11:41am

Nlinindoll wrote:I just picked up a “nearly complete”, but pristine condition Battle Masters off of eBay. My intention is to introduce Battle Masters to my HeroQuest gaming group right after the last quest of Kellar’s Keep. There’s a big battle to save the king explained in the exposition of the epilogue that I want to essentially act out with the group via Battle Masters (and I may just stack the deck to ensure Chaos Forces take the Keep). I figure it will be a nice change of pace for the group. I’ll report back when the box arrives.

Very cool idea playing after Kellar's Keep! I take note...

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Re: Christmas Day Battle on the Road to Grunberg (Battlemast

Postby Kurgan » Monday December 27th, 2021 5:52pm

Nice. My homebrew card deck (with additional dupes of cards for "reinforcements") printed with linen finish (and slightly darker colors) arrived. These don't drift off the pile and shuffle a little easier. The size is a hair larger, it seems.
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Re: Christmas Day Battle on the Road to Grunberg (Battlemast

Postby Kurgan » Monday October 28th, 2024 4:34pm

I got to play the game five times before putting it into mothballs again (actually I didn't fully put it away, so it's collected some dust and needs cleaning now, oops). Also I noticed a few more cracks in some of the bows that could use some glue to strengthen them. I might sacrifice one of the 3d prints my brother in law did for me in order to repair one of the broken (half was missing when I bought it) bows. I thought of using the Reaper Bones plastic weapons sprues, but none of them is quite a perfect match considering I have half the bow to work with (if it was completely gone, I'd have less of a problem just customizing it). I had pretty good luck using pieces of plastic coated paper clips and some green stuff (I am no sculpter) to fix a few goblin spears, but I have some plastic spears that could serve as even better replacements when I take the time. I think having some kind of portable board to put under it to expand on a table would be a good idea, I just haven't worked out precisely what I'm going to use. I also need to find a better storage solution. Right now I have plastic totes for nearly all of my board games to protect them from dust/moisture/crush damage, except for this game, as the box is a little larger/longer than most of the others.

I have reconsidered my notion that "none" of the pieces would work well in HeroQuest (unless they are painted, but I don't plan to paint these vintage pieces, only the repaired parts that I acquired from other sources like the replacement spears/bow). I think you could put the goblins for example as riders onto some of the animals from recent releases. Yes, I was inspired by someone who posted a picture of their HQ goblin "riding" the giant spider from JoD. |_P

I'd like to print some more cardboard hex tiles for further terrain modification, but I couldn't quite get the size right at BGM, so I'd probably just end up printing it myself and gluing to chip board, which takes awhile. I've set this game aside to focus on HQ, but I would love to drag it out again along with Space Crusade sometime.

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