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Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Discuss the Dark Company Advanced Quest from the Advanced/Master Game Systems

Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby drathe » Sunday February 26th, 2012 4:34pm

I don't think he was meaning the size of all the boards together, but the size of the Dark Company fold-out booklet.

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Sunday February 26th, 2012 11:36pm

You are correct. I was just curious about the booklet. The boards, wow, that would be challenge, haha.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby Sjeng » Sunday March 4th, 2012 7:45am

I'm currently working on a Dark Company board, with 4 boards combined and altered, so they aren't the same. The file is HUGE, but I'll see what I can do with the end result. I'm not even sure it'll fit on my table if I print it in the normal size, let alone a tad bigger...
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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby Sjeng » Sunday May 26th, 2013 8:15am

Phoenix wrote:Which is essentially the "Talisman of Lore" all over again.

In my version, I've decided to allow the player's to pick what the Ring of Brilliance does. The player's decide whether they want +1 to their Attack, Defend, Body or Mind and Mentor imbues the ring with that ability. The ring & the Hero essentially become one and the power becomes non-transferable. (So if a Hero dies, the new Hero doesn't automatically get the new power).

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby Pppe » Tuesday July 9th, 2013 2:44pm

This card is coolness, thank you! Not to mention the combined map too.
My approach to this Quest Book, which is said to be massive and very long lasting, is to somehow give the heroes some hints about the area. For example you could make them find some map pieces or a bit rusty unclear map that shows a bit of the areas and directions. I think this way the heroes won't walk the same corridors 10 times and try to figure out which direction to go next.
Haven't tried anything about this yet, but Im planning to, right after the current Quest Book.
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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby chaoticprime » Tuesday July 9th, 2013 5:06pm

Brilliant means shiny.
Brilliance is an abstraction that figuratively describes intelligence, wit and such.
Brilliancy indicates a rank in shininess.

Its all about the suffixes.

Of course, etymologically, a ring is named such after the human anus. Take from that what you will. (The ring makes your butthole shiny).

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday July 10th, 2013 5:21pm

From Dictionary.com:

    great brightness; luster: the brilliance of a fine diamond.
    excellence or distinction; conspicuous talent, mental ability, etc.
    splendor, elegance, or magnificence: the brilliance of the court of Louis XIV.
    Optics. that luminance of a body consisting of its saturation and brightness.

Definition 1 works for describing the appearance, while definition 2 works for the benefits.
I don't give a rat's ring about the etymology! ;)

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday November 11th, 2018 1:13pm

Given that the Ring of Brilliance advances either the heroes Mind Points, Body Points, Attack Dice or Defend Dice, I'd wager that most heroes would choose to increase Body Points or Attack dice. Although mind points would probably be better for Barbarian
What, do you suppose would be preferable for the Wizard? He seems fine with his current mind points (though my version allows an extra spell set with increased mind points), which do you think would be the best choice for the Wizard?

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby The Admiral » Sunday November 11th, 2018 4:55pm

wallydubbs wrote:Given that the Ring of Brilliance advances either the heroes Mind Points, Body Points, Attack Dice or Defend Dice, I'd wager that most heroes would choose to increase Body Points or Attack dice. Although mind points would probably be better for Barbarian
What, do you suppose would be preferable for the Wizard? He seems fine with his current mind points (though my version allows an extra spell set with increased mind points), which do you think would be the best choice for the Wizard?

Body Points.

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Re: Ring of Brilliance - Dark Company Advanced Quest

Postby HispaZargon » Friday November 12th, 2021 8:59pm

Hi everyone.

I would like to re-open this old and classic thread in order to guess again about what should had been the most correct rules for the Ring of Brilliance. Why do that? Well, because I think we have good news, 2021 Hasbro/Avalon Hill HeroQuest version has provided quite new official information that I think could help us 30 years later in this subject!

According to my homebrew rules, like drathe and other Inn members, I have always considered that each Ring of Brilliance just provided to its bearer +1 Mind Point. Now, the new Hasbro edition (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD...) includes a new artefact, the Ring of Fortitude which has many official similarities with the Ring of Brilliance: Both artefacts seem to be magical rings, both are gained by the Heroes after completing a difficult questpack and in case of both there are available enough rings for each Hero as reward. According to the official rules for Ring of Fortitude, it provides +1 Body Point to its bearer, therefore... why could not be the Ring of Brilliance something like the natural complementary item for the Ring of Fortitude, by providing +1 Mind Point to its bearer?

Honestly, I think this rule for the 'unknown' ring is the most proportional and realistic one I could imagine, attending to the old and new artefacts. I think the new ring is a strong reason to force to treat the Ring of Brilliance in a similar manner and it fits quite well with the rest and also with its name Brilliance, but anyway, what do you think?

P.D.: Another posibility is that Hasbro will finally create a remake of Dark Company expansion and... who knows what will officially happen to Ring of Brilliance, but for the moment... this is my best guess for it.

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