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Phoenix wrote:Which is essentially the "Talisman of Lore" all over again.
In my version, I've decided to allow the player's to pick what the Ring of Brilliance does. The player's decide whether they want +1 to their Attack, Defend, Body or Mind and Mentor imbues the ring with that ability. The ring & the Hero essentially become one and the power becomes non-transferable. (So if a Hero dies, the new Hero doesn't automatically get the new power).
wallydubbs wrote:Given that the Ring of Brilliance advances either the heroes Mind Points, Body Points, Attack Dice or Defend Dice, I'd wager that most heroes would choose to increase Body Points or Attack dice. Although mind points would probably be better for Barbarian
What, do you suppose would be preferable for the Wizard? He seems fine with his current mind points (though my version allows an extra spell set with increased mind points), which do you think would be the best choice for the Wizard?
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