GimmeYerGold wrote:I just went through this thread and.... dang!!!
I'm blown away your craftsmanship, Harry.
keep up the good work!
Thanks very much.
Honestly I have no special skills here if you can hold a pencil and use a ruler .... you can reproduce the same results.
StratosVX wrote:Excellent work man! Is this material a pain to paint?
Many Thanks. No ... not especially. only in the sense that you cant use a spray undercoat so you have to paint it with a brush first. Now with some of these I have just painted acrylic straight out of the pot ... without using any special 'undercoat' paint ... does not seem to be a problem so far. So I would say it takes paint really well.
Redav wrote:knightkrawler wrote:Dear god, some of these pieces look amazing...
Yeah, time to quit the hobby

I said the same thing myself the other day when i saw some other guys amazing paint jobs on his tiles.
This guy ... ... h.html?m=0 I mean seriously .... this is burn your brushes and give the whole thing up as a bad lot standard of painting.
However, these are some of my favorite projects that have gone before which I have loved and felt were somewhat more within my grasp .... If I get anywhere near these I will feel be very happy with my efforts ...
.... I follow in the footsteps of giants. ... riXTvmLTIU wrote:Nah, I'm just in the middle of pleasing myself with what I'm doing...
Well, it's good to take a break from the painting once in a while.