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Viewing profile - Cael Darkhollow

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Orc Shaman
Orc Shaman
Cael Darkhollow
Forum Language:
English (United States)
Evil Sorcerer:
Champion Group Member

Contact Cael Darkhollow

User statistics

Thursday November 9th, 2017 12:25am
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Tuesday October 1st, 2024 2:05am
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General HeroQuest Discussion
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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread
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By Crom I'll split you crown to crotch to see if your guts are yellow as I think they are nithing BARBARIAN Ulrich
The last music you shall ever hear will be my bowstring as your forehead sprouts a feathered shaft, pity ELF Cael Darkhollow
Tomes grimoires manuals atlas formularies compendiums codexes bestiaries folios scrolls... Am I missing anything before we leave? WIZARD Eldritch Heironymous KigamMagister
Some quick axe work an' we can count the coins and gems DWARF Wulfram Magnussen