The Elf is called away on “elven business”, according to Jaques the Dwarf: “Huggin' trees an' eatin' flowers”. Mentor summons the Barbarian and Dwarf to his home and in front of his trusty fireplace, drinking exquisite mead, he tells them the Wizard hasn't returned yet from the quest he was undertaking. He had found the location of the legendary “Maze of Melar” in which, according to legend, the
Talisman of Wisdom was kept safe from the forces of darkness. The Wizard was on a secret mission for Mentor to retrieve this Talisman before Morcar could get his filthy clutches on the artefact, but something must have gone wrong and the Wizard vanished without a trace! In his last correspondance he made notice of the
Castle of Mystery, once home to the dreaded sorcerer Ollar who sold his soul to chaos in exchange for power. Had he built his abode on top of the Maze to try and reclaim the Talisman as his own?
Decades ago, the mad mage wanted to make his home into a “Silver Tower” dedicated to the foul god Tzeentch. But the Emperor sent his witch hunters to the mage's home who eradicated everything before he could finish his work. Ollar perished inside his burning castle, at least that is what the stories tell. Some of the chaos magic must still linger, as the locals still shun the place and refuse to speak the mad mage's name!
Determined, Ahnuld the barbarian grasps his sword, and Jaques the Dwarf takes his trusty axe and helmet to embark on a new quest, this time to save the Wizard and reclaim the Talisman of Wisdom!
Mentor guides them in the right direction and after a few days of travel, they reach old ruins where once was the home of Ollar the Mad. Only an archway with an old door set into it remains. As the Barbarian pushes it open, he is swallowed by chaos magic and pulled into the...
Quest 4: Castle of MysteryThe Barbarian arrives into an icy chamber with a metal door at the far end. Inside the ice, strange creatures are frozen for eternity. The door opens onto a stairwell that leads down, only a force field is holding the Barbarian back. Are all heroes needed before being allowed to descend to the Maze? Ahnuld curses Ollar and the forces of chaos!
Meanwhile the dwarf leaps after his friend and arrives in an old chamber guarded by a mummy! He decides to hold onto his holy water for a later occasion and battles the creature heads on. A bold move, for after defeating the mummy he arrives in another part of the castle where some skeletons and another mummy are waiting for him. The holy water turns them into dust within an instant!
And so a mad chase starts throughout the Castle of Mystery, where the heroes keep arriving in the same chambers over and over again and are beset by the castle's guardians: undead creatures, orcs trapped in time, warriors of chaos, a foul ogre and even a champion of Khorne. The way out seems to have vanished, and on occasion the ghost of Ollar appears, laughing as a madman before going up in smoke! The castle seems to be ridden with treasure and our heroes stuff their pockets with gold and jewelry.
But then the Dwarf finds his doom against ice goblins. As he falls down, the Barbarian arrives to find his friend gone! After slaughtering the poor gobbo's, he dives back into the doorway searching for his missing friends. Destiny (or was it Tzeentch himself?) helps a hand and manipulates the Dice of Destiny so Ahnuld is thrown into a chamber containing a cage made up of force (time was ticking and we were getting nervous from rolling the wrong numbers). It is guarded by three orc warriors and contains the Dwarf and Wizard, both unconsious and held in stasis! But these guards are no match for the dreaded barbarian and after the last is defeated a key to the lock is found. Once freed, the Wizard, who introduces himself as
Borwulf Faustenberg, is grateful for the rescue and pledges his elemental magic to their cause! The Talisman of Wisdom must be claimed!
Another mad chase commences in which heroes and monsters bounce around the castle, landing on top of one another, wounding and sending each other to other parts and chambers. As it starts to seem there is no end to the endeavour (we are starting to grow tired outgame as well), the Barbarian goes down against an almost defeated ogre warrior (one hp remaining) and both Dwarf and Wizard arrive in the final chamber with the exit.
As they continue downward without the Barbarian, a change occurs in the castle above and a third pair of footsteps sounds behind them. The Barbarian is alive and well, just slightly wounded (returned with 4/8 hp). The castle gives and takes!
The three heroes continue their journey into the darkness, and finally arrive in...
Melar's Maze!
Notes: I have always
hated the Castle of Mystery because of its random nature and the fact there was NOTHING to gain with this quest. In the original, one player finds 5000 gold pieces (or something like that) only to learn it was an “illusion” at the end of the annoying quest. So I decided to make Melar's Maze a two-parter. In hindsight I should just have beefed up the latter and scratched Castle of Mystery altogether, but it was fine as an introduction to the Wizard who was a bit later in real life so it kept the other players busy until he arrived. But rolling for the right rooms took FOREVER!