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Ideas for quest packs

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Ideas for quest packs

Postby DragonHead » Sunday May 30th, 2010 1:11pm

Hi I'm pretty new here and I've only had this game for about a year but I've designed so many custom weapons, maps, charecters, spells,traps and monsters I can't keep track of them all.

I've had alot of Ideas for quest books and started them:

My soldier quests are a group of quests where you command the forces of the Emperor to fight against chaos, especially a fortress of immense power. You battle rediculous amounts of enemy monsters. I'v made 7/10 quests

My Halfling expansion is a 20 quest quest book that reinvents most of the game. With four new heroes, new weapons, a new evil villain (Clairclaw the apprentice to Zargon) and new units so far I'v made 2 quests.

Right now I can't remmember to much more, I really .ike the ideas of a quest book where you get to make choices and the adventures of sir ragnar. How can I help with the Sir Rangnar quests?
Clairclaw, The witch lord even The Terror King and Zargon bow before me, part before my will, my power.I am all mighty, I control the universe,the mage of all, the destroyer of nations,I am the creator, I am Dragonhead!!!!!
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby drathe » Sunday May 30th, 2010 2:29pm

Feel free to share anything you have with us at anytime. We'd like to see it.

As for the Chronicles of Sir Ragnar, the forum for the project is part of the Adventurer's Guild and is located here:
Chronicles of Sir Ragnar Project

On how to join the Adventurer's Guild, here's an excerpt from the FAQ:
Where are the usergroups and how do I join one? wrote:You can view all usergroups via the “Usergroups” link within your User Control Panel. If you would like to join one, proceed by clicking the appropriate button. Not all groups have open access, however. Some may require approval to join, some may be closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the group is open, you can join it by clicking the appropriate button. If a group requires approval to join you may request to join by clicking the appropriate button. The user group leader will need to approve your request and may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not harass a group leader if they reject your request; they will have their reasons.

Due to lack of current spare time, I'm sorry to say that the Chronicles of Sir Ragnar project is stalled at the moment. But don't hesitate to join in on the discussions, share some of your own ideas and help get the ball rolling again. The more interest and assistance there is, the more likely the project will actually see the light of day.

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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby DragonHead » Sunday May 30th, 2010 4:36pm

By the way what is the little monster thing next to member's names I've seen some members with goblins, orcs, fimirs or even zombies?
Clairclaw, The witch lord even The Terror King and Zargon bow before me, part before my will, my power.I am all mighty, I control the universe,the mage of all, the destroyer of nations,I am the creator, I am Dragonhead!!!!!
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby drathe » Sunday May 30th, 2010 5:52pm

That would be the post ranks. At ten posts you become a Goblin. As your number of posts increase, so does your post rank. You may see some members with coloured names as well. At 14 posts, you become a Champion and receive a red name along with access to the exclusive attachments on the Champion's Table forum. Green names are Adventurer's Guild members. Members of more than one special group may choose which group colours display by choosing a default group in the User Control Panel, Usergroups tab.

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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby el_flesh » Sunday May 30th, 2010 6:19pm

That is a special feature; it shows the last person you slept with.
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby DragonHead » Tuesday June 1st, 2010 10:00pm

Does anyone have any qiuest Ideas?
Clairclaw, The witch lord even The Terror King and Zargon bow before me, part before my will, my power.I am all mighty, I control the universe,the mage of all, the destroyer of nations,I am the creator, I am Dragonhead!!!!!
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby el_flesh » Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 7:39am

Why not start with finishing the one that the great, the mighty, the procrastinated drathe posted?
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby drathe » Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 11:32am

el_flesh wrote:Why not start with finishing the one that the great, the mighty, the procrastinated drathe posted?

BAH HA HA HA HA HA... ha ha ha ha ha... ha ha ha... ha!

That is classic. Let's see what Quest projects are on my to-do list that have yet to be completed:

  • Quest: Out of Body, Out of Mind (started Spring 2009)
  • Quest: Order of All Things (started Spring 2009)
  • Quests: Agin's Inn Classics (started Fall 2008)
  • Quest Pack: Chronicles of Sir Ragnar (started Spring 2009)
  • Quest Pack: Rise of Darkness (started 2002ish, now that's procrastination!)
  • Several other untitled Quest Projects

That's also the tip of the iceberg considering all the other projects I'm involved in. Translations of fan material and various sections of the Website that have yet to be completed for example. Freak man, it took me two years just to get a couple new Character Cards online! Too much to do. Perhaps I should add an "Incomplete Projects" section to the Adventurer's Guild and those who wish to assist can pick and choose various bits to complete. Be it Quests, Card Back art, tiles, simple pencil drawings to convert into card images, or editing typos. Stuff like that would really help with projects like the Agin's Inn Classics. I'll have to add that to my to-do list. ;)

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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby el_flesh » Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 2:52pm

Now THAT - is clever!

Why not make an open ended, whoever wants - can - finish - it section! As the provider of this site, YOU are the one to finally accept or reject the finished product! The same as if it were a company!
Hell, if you don't have time for that, you could even put the finished quest to a vote by members; they could be the editors to decide if it's ready to offer to the public.

And everyone remember...scenarios almost never get accepted the first time you offer them...like George Lucas rejected 26 figures and then combed aspects of THREE of them to get Jabba, for example...

ALOT more material can be on offer very soon! If we keep our mind to it!
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Re: Ideas for quest packs

Postby DragonHead » Monday June 21st, 2010 4:32pm

That's a really good idea, if we scould see all the unfinsihed stuff it would be very easy to get more quest ideas or continue others.
Clairclaw, The witch lord even The Terror King and Zargon bow before me, part before my will, my power.I am all mighty, I control the universe,the mage of all, the destroyer of nations,I am the creator, I am Dragonhead!!!!!
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