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Forbidden Island

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Forbidden Island

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 7:43am

Blackthorn wrote:I have to say that I really didn't enjoy this game as much as I thought I would. My 21 year old daughter and I gave up just before the second adventure was completed. We found the rules, cards and counters too fiddly and the game play too complicated to run smoothly. We were constantly forgetting the order of play and all of the conditional rules on the cards. We'd realize too late that we had forgotten to play a certain card or move a counter and we ran into questions that the rules could not clarify. We eventually got weary of being beaten down by monsters and encounter cards as we made our way through the castle which lacked the atmosphere of our beloved HeroQuest. In retrospect , I don't think the cooperative nature of the game really suits the dungeon crawl experience as you have to constantly alternate between your character and the evil things that attack it. We do enjoy Forbidden Island which is a cooperative game with smoother mechanic and a nice theme. You really start to feel the tension as the island sinks beneath your feet.

Anyway, you'll probably see my copy of Ravenloft for sale here. Perhaps someone else would like to give it a try...or just use the miniatures for HeroQuest.

I also play the forbidden island! I even bought 6 miniatures from Reaper last weekend, along with some other figures for HQ, just for this game! :D

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50058: Navy Seal Diver (3.74) x1
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50158: Grant Dylan, Heroic Pilot (4.49) x1
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Re: D&D Castle Ravenloft

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 7:56am

Do you have al ink to this forbidden island ?
I played to "escape from atlantis" a year ago and I have bought the new version "The Island" but I don't think we're talking the same boardgame...

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Re: D&D Castle Ravenloft

Postby LordZeke » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 9:47am

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Re: D&D Castle Ravenloft

Postby Blackthorn » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 1:14pm

Sjeng wrote:I also play the forbidden island! I even bought 6 miniatures from Reaper last weekend, along with some other figures for HQ, just for this game! :D

Sjeng, that's really cool! 8-) The only thing about Forbidden Island I'd change would be to use miniatures instead of pawns for the player characters. Your choices look perfect. Are these metal miniatures or plastic?
Last edited by Blackthorn on Wednesday December 12th, 2012 1:31pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: D&D Castle Ravenloft

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 4:19pm

Blackthorn wrote:
Sjeng wrote:I also play the forbidden island! I even bought 6 miniatures from Reaper last weekend, along with some other figures for HQ, just for this game! :D

Sjeng, that's really cool! 8-) The only thing about Forbidden Island I'd change would be to use miniatures instead of pawns for the player characters. Your choices look perfect. Are these metal miniatures or plastic?

They're metal. Reaper mostly has metal figures. their plastic line is new and called "bones" (which had an awesome kickstarter earlier this year).
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Re: Forbidden Island

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 6:40pm

Sjeng wrote:
Blackthorn wrote:
Sjeng wrote:I also play the forbidden island! I even bought 6 miniatures from Reaper last weekend, along with some other figures for HQ, just for this game! :D

Sjeng, that's really cool! 8-) The only thing about Forbidden Island I'd change would be to use miniatures instead of pawns for the player characters. Your choices look perfect. Are these metal miniatures or plastic?

They're metal. Reaper mostly has metal figures. their plastic line is new and called "bones" (which had an awesome kickstarter earlier this year).

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Re: Forbidden Island

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday December 12th, 2012 7:30pm

The original German version comes with figures.


But this fan-made printable flood-marker is really impressive:


Even the build instructions are cool.


I love Boardgamegeek. Here's a link to the images needed to create it.

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Re: Forbidden Island

Postby Sjeng » Thursday December 13th, 2012 2:16am

yeah, I know about the german version. ugly minis though :P
I like those artifacts painted like that. Got a bigger pic of those?

And wow, nice tower!!!
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Re: Forbidden Island

Postby Blackthorn » Thursday December 13th, 2012 1:38pm

Sjeng wrote:yeah, I know about the german version. ugly minis though :P

They are ugly miniatures...yet, I still want a set! ;)
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Re: Forbidden Island

Postby Daedalus » Friday December 14th, 2012 6:36pm

Sjeng wrote:
I like those artifacts painted like that. Got a bigger pic of those?

Here ya go.


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