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Workshop : New Heroes and Complete Set Painting

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Workshop : New Heroes and Complete Set Painting

Postby Seb » Thursday March 1st, 2012 7:55pm

Hi All,

As mentioned in my introduction, I've long been a player/collector of Heroquest and miniature hobby enthusiast.

These last few months I've been turning my attention to modifying HQ miniatures and remaking bases, with an aim to keep to the classic, minimal aesthetics of the original models. Which often means raiding eBay and buying old school plastic kits. The following are new heroes I have put together so far, with only a little putty work left to finish them before paint : Warning : Graphic Mutilation of OOP Heroquest plastic models ahead, reader discretion is advised.

The Dwarves : Older warrior & Clansman.

Image Image

The Others : Empire Hero (modified Adv.Heroquest Man at Arms) and a fairly obvious rebasing of the Talisman 3rd Edition Halfling (Least inspiring addition)

Image Image

I have also been collecting Kev Adams models from the late 80's period, prior to finishing their bases, thought you may like a side by side comparison of HQ Orcs and Warhammer 1st Edition orcs (who are more slight than the HQ Orc) :

Image Image

The HQ orc I will paint closer to the card art next time; black belt, more mustard shirt and less rich brown boots and possibly lose the ruddy lip.

Further projects

Moving on thought folks might like to see where I began then now, and also a metal take on our favourite Elf (he has a bow, quiver and satchel on the back, my favourite WHqst figure short of my Bret.Knight)

Image Image

Finally, a community poll :

Kev Adams snotlings, or Brian Nelson snotlings? (Left and Right respectively below)

Image Image

I'm torn between both sculptors' style and can't decide which set of runts to go with, basically need to bounce the conundrum off fellow enthusiasts, your thoughts? :)

thanks for reading,
. :)
Last edited by Seb on Tuesday December 18th, 2012 8:52am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby cynthialee » Thursday March 1st, 2012 8:08pm

way outa my league.

You rock.
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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby mako-heart » Thursday March 1st, 2012 8:17pm

I have no opinion on the snotlings, but i really like your scout i think he is really HQ based. and your painting is really quite good. Keep up the good work and keep posting pictures . Check out my Dark elf and sorcerres , they are new heros with new downloadable charater cards i got an image in the gallery of them 8-)

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Ethica » Friday March 2nd, 2012 4:23am

Good work.

I like the Empire Hero, I might have to make one of them for myself.

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Patroclus » Friday March 2nd, 2012 6:52am

Me too... the “empire hero” is perfect! But I like them all, as the second dwarf and of course the barbarian with the fantastic healing potion at his belt.

All of them have the old style feeling, where the heroes are like they taking poses waiting for the photo shoot and not like having action as the modern style defines. Great job!

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Sjeng » Friday March 2nd, 2012 7:46am

cynthialee wrote:way outa my league.

You rock.

My sentiments exactly :P I wish I could mod like that, but I'm afraid I'll mess up my mini's...
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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby tasoe » Friday March 2nd, 2012 2:00pm

Seb wrote:Finally, a community poll :

Kev Adams snotlings, or Brian Nelson snotlings? (Left and Right respectively below)

Firstly, welcome to the community! As part of the community I vote on the left snotling. Don't ask me why, it just seems more fitting to the HQ style.

Also, let me congratulate you on those conversions and paintjobs. The orcs are awesome as well.

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Seb » Friday March 2nd, 2012 11:04pm

Thanks everyone, good to see no one has burned me at the stake for chopping up HQ Orcs and old school Adv.Heroquest miniatures :)

I'll admit I was aiming for the men at arms Scout character, but it evolved into a Hero figure quickly. I originally use a enclosed Empire helm, but after some deliberation chose the open face helm for more 'character'.

The Barbarian has a couple of very subtle modifications. I filled in the mould groove that occurs across the temples next to his eyes and added a couple of hair strands on his forehead, losing that rather Fabio hairline. Hoping to grab some basecoat this weekend and put paint to model on these and several monsters. :)

I think the most fun finds are metal variations of the Heroquest group. I've discovered a Barbarian, Dwarf and Elf so far, but no wizard sadly.

Talking new models, I tend to agree with Tasoe, the Kev Adams snotling suits better - let alone being the same sculptor. I am so on the 50/50 margin, I just needed a second opinion. :D

More soon, and thanks for the great feedback!


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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Goblin-King » Saturday March 3rd, 2012 3:14am

Looking very good.

Definitely Kev Adams... He is old school and so is Hero Quest.

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Re: Workshop : Questing for new Heroes (and monsters)

Postby Ethica » Saturday March 3rd, 2012 7:57am

I've just purchased parts to make my own Empire Hero. Someones going to have to make a character card for him :)

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