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FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Monday April 1st, 2024 10:55pm
by Markus Darwath
For those who haven't heard of it, AmalgamAsh has a shorter vid on his youtube channel where he talks about another person's recent discovery. Apparently, this individual (I don't recall their screen name) stumbled across an incomplete European Hasbro page where they are planning to start a sweepstakes to win some bicycles. Entry will be by submitting proof of purchase from a long, but select list of Hasbro products, with a linked list of eligible EANs (product codes). (At least this is how I understood it.) Within that list were two numbers for HeroQuest products that have not yet been released, or even officially announced. One was "Jungles of Delthrak" which we already know is coming. The other is listed as "First Light!"

Does anybody care to enter speculation as to what that title may end up being?

I personally wonder if it might be another character expansion with either a paladin or cleric type. Paladin of the First Light, or Priest of the First Light would be my crude guesses for the full title.

Edited by HispaZargon: thread title changed from "First Light? speculation" to fit with titles of previous similar threads.

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 11:55am
by LucaRocks
That's a great guess! I know from the gen con interview of Chris Nadeu that he doesn't subscribe to official or named Gods in the HQ universe. So first light could be some cleric types or paladins who worship the "first light" that shined in the universe and through which life sprung up. That would keep it vague enough but still allow for religious warriors. Not saying they have to still follow Chris's ideas but he may have had some input into this product before he left. He also alluded to balances in the HQ realm sort of like yin yang and light vs dark in those interviews. Your idea would fit that. Light dispels Dread and all.

This also reminds me of the concept of 'light' in the DC universe with the Lantern corps and their conception of good and evil, life and death etc...

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 1:24pm
by SirRick
Maybe the First Light refers to Mentor finally becoming aware that he and Zargon are the same person, only that they are different personalities. As Mentor is losing control to Zargon, the heroes quest to find important items of Mentor’s past that bring back good memories to give him the strength and will to overcome the evil within…

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 11:25pm
by Markus Darwath
SirRick wrote:Maybe the First Light refers to Mentor finally becoming aware that he and Zargon are the same person, only that they are different personalities. As Mentor is losing control to Zargon, the heroes quest to find important items of Mentor’s past that bring back good memories to give him the strength and will to overcome the evil within…

That could be amusing, but I can see a lot of players wanting to skip the scavenger hunt for trinkets and instead just kill Mentor/Zargon, burn Loretome, and restore free-will to humanity... Sam and Dean Winchester style.

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 4:16am
by Macula
I’d be interested to see if it’s some sort of prequel quest, maybe incorporating some of Wizards of Morcar, BUT
remember the hero question they posted on social media about other IPs in heroquest? This may be something akin to that.

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 4:38am
by Vorimir
My bet is a new hero pack with a new caster (priest, cleric, high mage...).

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 7:01am
by SirRick
Markus Darwath wrote:
SirRick wrote:Maybe the First Light refers to Mentor finally becoming aware that he and Zargon are the same person, only that they are different personalities. As Mentor is losing control to Zargon, the heroes quest to find important items of Mentor’s past that bring back good memories to give him the strength and will to overcome the evil within…

That could be amusing, but I can see a lot of players wanting to skip the scavenger hunt for trinkets and instead just kill Mentor/Zargon, burn Loretome, and restore free-will to humanity... Sam and Dean Winchester style.

I could see that too:

Elf: “Maybe we should consult the Loretome for something we missed?!”

Barbarian: “Lets just gank the son-of-a-b*tch!”

(The battle starts, the Barbarian, Dwarf, and Elf get their shots in. Then the Wizard has his turn)

Wizard: “Hey! Ass-butt!” (Wizard casts Tempest)

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 12:20pm
by Kurgan
It could be anything. I am of the opinion that this is a real, full title "HeroQuest: First Light" and not a code name or placeholder (and certainly not a hoax). I am not with those speculating that Jungles of Delthrak will be the "Last" official release for remake HeroQuest.

Since we have no information other than that its probably coming out after Jungles of Delthrak and the title... I'm leaning towards it being a smaller box like the Hero Collections. Now it would seem odd that it doesn't have the name of the character in the title, but who knows. "Path of the Wandering Monk" departed from the previous practice (Rogue Heir of Elethorn and Commander of the Guardian Knights are simple the title of the character). Just when we think we've found a pattern they switch it up on us.

The other possibility is that this "HeroQuest: First Light" is some type of IP crossover (teased in the "QUESTion" on instagram/X via Avalon Hill). What exactly would that be? (a rebranded Game System, a card game??).

One of the old rumored updates was that they were going to do another tweaked/adjusted version of the base game. Who knows if that was one of the accurate predictions or inaccurate ones, but we'll see!

If it's a Paladin/Cleric Hero pack, I'd be fine with that. The idea that we'll get one big release a year and some smaller releases seems plausible, but with the community interaction having been diminished, it's hard to get reliable official information, so we rely on these leaks.

Speculation: the title suggests many things. Again it's hard to guess with no context (I don't believe it's another legacy/classic era remake because why miss the opportunity to use the nostalgic title?). "Light" suggests to people some kind of "I stand for the light" holy warrior type character (we wondered the same thing about the Monk before we had more information) like a paladin or cleric from classic RPG lore. "First Light" could also indicate some kind of call back to the "beginning" of HeroQuest. A character pack for Mentor? Rogar and his companions? A Prequel adventure for the original heroes (talked about in the prologues)? Then again it could be kind of metaphor for "moving forward" like "At first light, we strike..." maybe this is the mission to defeat Zargon once and for all (rumored before... the "final" adventure, though the rumor was attached to the remake of Wizard of Morcar for next year)? Or maybe it is simply a title for the next big box expansion that takes place after Rise of the Dread Moon (title suggests nighttime... this new title suggests dawn of the new day). What would it be about? It's pretty vague, it could be just about anything.

A crossover with Talisman?

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 1:01pm
by Markus Darwath
SirRick wrote:I could see that too:

Elf: “Maybe we should consult the Loretome for something we missed?!”

Barbarian: “Lets just gank the son-of-a-b*tch!”

(The battle starts, the Barbarian, Dwarf, and Elf get their shots in. Then the Wizard has his turn)

Wizard: “Hey! Ass-butt!” (Wizard casts Tempest)

Love it :lol:

Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

PostPosted: Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 2:07pm
by Virg
Markus Darwath wrote:Apparently, this individual (I don't recall their screen name)

:arrow: 8-)

My original theory when I first shared the link is that it may a be hero expansion with a character that casts Light spells (like a paladin/cleric/priest type), and that it's a precursor hero expansion to WoM(Z), akin to how the Rogue is to MotM, and the Monk is AtOH.

I think the Guardian Knight already may fit the Paladin type role. Sans magic, it plays out like fairly similar to the role of a Oath to the Crown (Sword Coast Adventure Guide) Paladin with Protection fighting style in 5E. I doubt that AH will use Paladin, Cleric, or Priest in the hero name, as they've strayed away from deity specifics to keep the game generic for the table to decide those things.

If it's just a Light Spell caster, and related to WoM(Z), I could see it being a non armor using class, that may have it's own set of 3-9 spells, and possibly be able to share the Darkness/Protection/Detection spells with the Wizard. Ultimately if this were the case, I would love to see it come with 3 light spells, and 3 of each of the Darkness/Protection/Detection spells that are different from the WoM(Z) expansion, to be able to expand those decks as many have complained as to their overall usefulness.