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FIRST LIGHT discussion

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Wednesday January 15th, 2025 10:08pm

I know that Banjo had created some alternate Artifacts for SQT so we didn't have to reuse the base game ones. Does anyone have any thoughts on new Artifacts that we can use to substitute for the FL ones?

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby LucaRocks » Thursday January 16th, 2025 8:34pm

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby Kurgan » Friday January 17th, 2025 12:25pm

TheRantCastPodcast Episode 60 covers First Light again (StrangeBus & I, shameless plug) with more details and commentary... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If16gsxfn0w&t=0s

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby LucaRocks » Friday January 17th, 2025 7:33pm

Anyone think the cards in FL feel a little flimsy?
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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby SirRick » Friday January 17th, 2025 7:35pm

Finally got my copy of FL today. It was delivered on time, but put in the wrong place sitting at the store, so it wasn’t found initially when I went to get it. My general observations:

I like the new artwork, but up close the Barbarian’s face looks old and leathery with white eyes, like a ninja turtle. The genral layout and image are great though.

I like the new Zargon screen (the artwork), but prefer the layout of the original (with the monster stats in the center).

The slightly modified character sheets were basically glued to the box, and I tore the paper folded over the edge and inside of the box rim trying to carefully remove it. I was able to salvage most of the paper and put shipping tape on it to fix it. Some people might have been annoyed at this, but I don’t need things to be perfectly preserved. As an example, the only cards I ever sleeve for this is the treasure cards, because they see so much shuffling.

I glanced through the rulebook and the beginning part of the quest book. I like how they included a lot of the “other” rules that appeared over time, such as Large Monsters, Unthreatened Movement, etc.

I like the board and texture of its surface. I like the more vibrant color scheme, so its nice to have a different aesthetic. I could see using this board sometime if the quest takes place in a castle above ground with windows that give it a brighter feel.

I am thrilled by the new dice. I would have been sorely disappointed if the dice were the exact same as the normal GS. I like the bone-color of the combat dice, and I like having a third set of movement dice.

The Dragon miniature looks much better in person. Looking at photos, it looks a chubby Godzilla-like dragon. It looks much better seeing it up close. The hero miniatures are ok. I like the new Elf and Wizard, but prefer the original Barbarian and Dwarf, but its nice to have more to choose from.

Looking through the cards, aside from some updated errata and such, I noticed a couple things:
The Spirit Blade description says you roll 4 combat dice if the target is undead. This slight change means it works against ANY undead, such as Spectres and those plant monsters from JoD (Blightwraith? I don’t remember). Oddly the Holy Water card still says Skeleton, Zombie, or Mummy.

The Dread spell Lightning Bolt claims to only do damage to heroes in its path. The original card said Heroes and Monsters. Is this intentional, or an oversight? Not sure.

The extra little boxes for the components are just thin cardboard. The prototype renderings/photos/whatever made them seem to be made out of sturdier material. Not a big deal, it serves its purpose. The larger insert would still make a nice little dice rolling box to pass around the table, to avoid knocking stuff over.

Overall I like FL. I like it for the alternate components, new minis, new quest book, extra set of cards. The cardboard minis could be used as extra monsters and doors for those times you run out. I am somewhat tempted to throw the cardboard Abominations in my main game because they are much easier to handle. The whole thing makes for a nice travel size version of the game, so you don’t have to lug a huge box around in case you have to play somewhere else.

*edit: I was hoping the Fortune’s Longsword would be modified slightly to be a little better. Also I am not sure if all the doors and minis assembled would fit in the box, of if you would have to remove the stands each time.

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby Kurgan » Friday January 17th, 2025 9:38pm

All of the 0 MIND POINT monsters are considered undead, and vulnerable to Holy Water, hence also to the Spirit Blade.

Doug Hopkins also clarified that just because Orc's Bane doesn't say "shortsword" doesn't mean it isn't counted as one (it is), just as the Spirit Blade is considered a broadsword. So this doesn't break compatibility with any of the new heroes. The intention was to make it work the same way with all expansions just as the 2021/2022 Game System does. The new rules are applicable to the quest book, not necessarily the general rules (notice how the expansion rules appear in the questbook rather than the rule book). I take the statement that the 2021 GS rules haven't changed as a strong statement. The little adjustments to the cards are a little annoying (the nerfs) but can easily be ignored, though if you were playing with a brand new set of heroes for FL you could imagine maybe they weren't as strong as the other heroes (and Zargon isn't fighting them with his strongest magic yet).

Good point about the character sheet being glued to the edge of the box, that was a little strange. I didn't have any damage when tearing it off but that sucks that you did.

You can take the paper loops that the cards were wrapped in, and glue those to the inner box to strengthen it if desired. It was also suggested slit the plastic wrap to keep it as a protective dust cover.

As for the inner boxes, if you leave them inside the big box, they work great as a dice tray and you don't have to worry about them getting beat up over time.
Last edited by Kurgan on Tuesday January 21st, 2025 9:42pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby SirRick » Tuesday January 21st, 2025 12:53pm

So is there some official place to order the First Light dice set? I see in other countries it is available on Pulse, I believe. Here in NA, I see a couple websites that seem to be offering the dice and the tray, but selling them separately. Do we know if these things will be available on HasbroPulse, or will they only be available on these other sites? My concern is these other sites will claim to be offering preorders, but the page gets taken down later. I know we seen similar things happen when stores get wind of stuff long before any official news comes out.

In this case we know the dice will be available at some point, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of options. One of the pages I looked at said they were sold out already. I think the only other site is called Southern Hobby, but I am not sure anyone has ordered from them before.

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby dreicunan » Tuesday January 21st, 2025 3:19pm

Clarification by Doug Hopkins that Lightning Bolt is still supposed to target monsters and heroes.


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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday January 21st, 2025 9:40pm


Does anybody has already a detailed list of all the rule and card changes and FAQs observed in First Light versus Game System rules?

It would be good having it available to also track them properly in the errata thread.

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Re: FIRST LIGHT discussion

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday January 21st, 2025 9:43pm

We could start one.

Note that the Rulebook and Quest booklet have different things. I suppose the statement that there are no rule changes from the 2021 Game System in First Light other than the list of additions (Dragon, Dwarf handaxe).

FL Questbook page 7:

Monsters Without Mind Points

Unthreatened Movement

Item Exchange

Double-Sided Gameboard

Healing Hearth

Sly Storage

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