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PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 4:30am
by Vorimir
Maybe this is not the old unproduced Dwarf quest pack but seems quite inspired: You have to search for and ancient cursed dwarf relic. The enemies were going to be giant worms, spiders and some kinde of stone monster and it also has dwarves, now we also get spiders, snakes instead of worms and a big guy (gorilla instead of the other monster).
Yeah, maybe Pesi is not Cola but... It seems a very adapted and updated dwarf quest pack to me.


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 7:46am
by j_dean80
Vorimir wrote:Maybe this is not the old unproduced Dwarf quest pack but seems quite inspired: You have to search for and ancient cursed dwarf relic. The enemies were going to be giant worms, spiders and some kinde of stone monster and it also has dwarves, now we also get spiders, snakes instead of worms and a big guy (gorilla instead of the other monster).
Yeah, maybe Pesi is not Cola but... It seems a very adapted and updated dwarf quest pack to me.

Spiders were in the Wizard Pack. Dwarf Pack had Carnivorous Worm, Stone Golem, the 3 boss Ogres from WoM, and the Dwarf fighters.

Definitely didn't take place in a jungle either.


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 8:37am
by Vorimir
So I mixed some monsters from the Wizard Pack.
Of course old DQP wasnt in a jungle, but was also about searching an ancient and cursed dwarven heirloom, the story seems the same but in a jungle instead of a dungeon.
Is not the DQP but it seems "inspired by".


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 9:24am
by SirRick
I’m fine having heroes that don’t have cards. The Dwarf doesn’t really need any skills unless you have skills replace his ability to disarm traps, to maintain character balance. The Barbarian could be given skills to go along with his better starting weapon (see below), but I just give him the ability to reroll one black shield if he is using a melee weapon. You could really just add whatever you want there as long as it feels somewhat equivalent to a set of spells. For example you could make a Ranger hero with stats like a Barbarian, but you have a favored enemy you choose when creating the character. So if you choose Orcs, the Ranger would get to roll 1 extra combat die against orcs, no cards needed. That is just something I came up with, but I see there being potential for more heroes without having skill/spell cards.

If you look at other characters that have bonus starting equipment (or something comparable like the Dwarf), the equipment is tied to a themed ability of some kind:

Dwarf: Ability to disarm traps (sort of like starting with a Tool Kit + he is much better at using it than any other hero).

Knight: Knight Skills (he starts with a Shield + he is better at using it and heavy armor more than any other hero).

Bard: Extra defend die (he starts with a Rapier as a thematic complement to his nimble, swashbuckling fighting style).

Rogue: Rogue Skills (starts with the Bandolier to have infinite daggers for skills + much better at using daggers than other heroes).

Now look at the Barbarian: Starts with Broadsword + nothing. He is described as the greatest warrior of all, but he is not any better at fighting than any other hero. That which is why some people give him skills or some other ability. I’m fine with a reroll ability since I don’t need cards to do that.


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 10:20am
by LucaRocks
Looking over the art, I see a few things now that I didn't notice before.

Dwarfette has a backpack. So I expect the mini does as well. Maybe tied to her abilities or whatnot.

There's a ton of spiders fighting the dude. Are there going to be both small and large spider minis? Or is that one just bigger for dramatic effect?

The Gorilla gets more interesting the more I look at him (probably a him. I mean, I don't know for sure but it doesn't appear to have boobs). Anyway, he has markings on his face and body, has a gem necklace I think. And it appears that he has a jewel at the end of his club? It could be a background item but it is super close to where the club would be. All this makes me think that this could be a boss type character, not a generic monster. Maybe it's a Gorilla Grodd type intelligent ape with delusions of grandeur? I wouldn't mind either way, but will be cool to find out!


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 6:32pm
by shakmstr

I like the new content coming out and support it immensely by purchasing and recommending them.

However…the Avalon Hill cover art since the relaunch hasn’t been my cup of tea. That’s my only complaint and I’ve never really said anything about it or let it get to me but this cover is IDK. This is Fantasy Flight looking, which is very kiddie.

One big reason I liked HQ growing up was the awesome artwork. It looked realistic and surreal at the same time. The new stuff just looks kiddie and I’m really only into it for the contents. Which is a shame because the original artwork was something that I’d be proud to show off.

Oh well no biggie.


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 7:59pm
by SirRick
I wonder if the quest pack will end up like the end of the movie “Congo”. One of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in a movie.


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 8:56pm
by emlit
The new quest pack looks to be Interesting, if nothing else. The choose-your-own-adventure gameplay is a unique addition and I look forward to seeing how that works. Honestly, I’m game for all HQ content but have particular interest in AH’s new contributions to the HQ universe, as future releases would seem to me to be an indicator of franchise longevity. That noted, I do have some concerns.

Call me a purist, but in my opinion, the jungle theme (and World’s End locale) are expanding the venue of our heroes’ quest too far. Surely there is enough evil to thwart and treasure to obtain in our own back yard before setting off and galavanting across the world to scintillating new environments which will look surprisingly like the dungeons of old. I hope the new theme isn’t a means to obfuscate a lack of new and engaging gameplay. Even so, I’m all for new monsters & evil-doers and different dungeon layouts, designs, & architectures, which I don’t necessarily think require fancy new settings.

I appreciate any new HQ content and welcome it with fever-pitched anticipation; I’ll certainly reserve judgment until more information is provided. From what AH has done with Rise of the Dread Moon and Against the Ogre Horde, I’ll give them benefit of the doubt.

And I second the suggestion for abilities for the core heroes. Exciting times ahead!


PostPosted: Sunday May 19th, 2024 10:12pm
by wallydubbs
SirRick wrote:I’m fine having heroes that don’t have cards. The Dwarf doesn’t really need any skills unless you have skills replace his ability to disarm traps, to maintain character balance. The Barbarian could be given skills to go along with his better starting weapon (see below), but I just give him the ability to reroll one black shield if he is using a melee weapon. You could really just add whatever you want there as long as it feels somewhat equivalent to a set of spells. For example you could make a Ranger hero with stats like a Barbarian, but you have a favored enemy you choose when creating the character. So if you choose Orcs, the Ranger would get to roll 1 extra combat die against orcs, no cards needed. That is just something I came up with, but I see there being potential for more heroes without having skill/spell cards.

If you look at other characters that have bonus starting equipment (or something comparable like the Dwarf), the equipment is tied to a themed ability of some kind:

Dwarf: Ability to disarm traps (sort of like starting with a Tool Kit + he is much better at using it than any other hero).

Knight: Knight Skills (he starts with a Shield + he is better at using it and heavy armor more than any other hero).

Bard: Extra defend die (he starts with a Rapier as a thematic complement to his nimble, swashbuckling fighting style).

Rogue: Rogue Skills (starts with the Bandolier to have infinite daggers for skills + much better at using daggers than other heroes).

Now look at the Barbarian: Starts with Broadsword + nothing. He is described as the greatest warrior of all, but he is not any better at fighting than any other hero. That which is why some people give him skills or some other ability. I’m fine with a reroll ability since I don’t need cards to do that.

I think many of the new heroes start off with their boosts while the original heroes need to earn them. The Knight's and Rogue's skills are with them from the beginning. But look at the Barbarian, by purchasing weapons and armor other heroes (besides the Wizard & Warlock) can match his attack and defense dice, while without skills or spells the only advantage the Barbarian has is in Body Points. Against someone like the Knight or Dwarf it's only 1BP, which isn't that much. However, once acquiring the Amulet of the North his Body Point advantage is exceptional.

As for the Dwarf, his only advantage is trap disarming, I would imagine that since this quest pack features Dwarven artifacts it could potentially be based off the Quest pack for the Dwarf and feature an artifact similar to the Amulet of the North or Magical Elven Bracers but tailored to the Dwarf, maybe even potential artifacts that only a Dwarf can handle, like a Mining Kit that could remove fallen block traps.
The Dwarf's trap disarm is unique and invaluable to his team, it's written on his hero card, like the Knight's ability to wear Plate Mail that doesn't slow him down. The Dwarf could potentially stand alone without skill cards if there are artifacts just for him.
However when playing the original version of the game I gave the Dwarf a few extra perks that are house ruled:
1.) Night Vision: the Dwarf can search for Traps and Secret Doors combined as 1 action.
2.) Careful: If purchasing a Tool Kit the Dwarf can disarm traps without rolling, but still requires an action.
3.) Short Advantage: Heroes taller then the Dwarf can fire ranged attacks over his head when standing directly adjacent to him.
The first two were call backs to the original European edition where secret doors and trap searches were the same, as well as the Dwarf's ability to disarm traps were automatic. These would just be minor suggestions to give the Dwarf minor boosts.


PostPosted: Monday May 20th, 2024 12:23pm
by LucaRocks
ABNB has released his video about the JOD reveal: