by Macula » Friday May 31st, 2024 10:22am
So, lets see what we have.
new boards and traps, obviously
a coulpe of ally creatures. including a dinosaur, and either a lion or a manticore
Male and female Berzerkers (Barbarian with skills)
some sort of dwarf.. thief? miner?
Monster wise we have 3 big baddies
Giant Spider
Big, big monkey man
3 dryads (Sorry, Sullblights)
4 cultists (Sorry, Blight..wraiths?)
2 raptors
and dupes of the skeleton archers and gobbo"archers".. and is that a Goblin warlock?
we also have some objective markers, like crystals and vines.. thats interesting, and a change from the old style furniture, It seems they come with some rocky bases too, so good for theming, not sure what they'll do in story
I actually think the higlight is the Mentor statue, and I can well see a lot of players taking a hacksaw to that to get a mentor wizard to play as.
The artefacts and alchemy are pretty standard..
I think the biggest miss for me is "no small spiders", but it looks like we'll have cardboard markers for spiders, snakes, and millipedes (spawnlings) but i cant wait hear back from people who managed to get some hands on today.
Last edited by
Macula on Friday May 31st, 2024 10:39am, edited 1 time in total.