by SirRick » Sunday February 2nd, 2025 8:39am
In the last few days I played quests 2 and 3 from First Light.
Quest 2 was the first adventure using the reverse side of the board. While these quests are designed for a new group, they are higher on the difficulty scale and a group playing foolishly will likely see some deaths. The more frequent narrow passages and small rooms made things a little more dangerous. There was also a mechanic reminiscent of “The Castle of Mystery” from the GS quests.
Quest 3 I also enjoyed. Initially I had some bad luck with treasure draws. Instead of taking the treasure chests, instead I got rewarded with 3 wandering monsters and a hazard. If you take the treasure, you may have to face consequences later. At least in the app bad mojo is not guaranteed. It reminds me of that joke in which a person is offered the choice of great wisdom or great wealth. The person thinking that great wisdom is the best choice in the long run decides to choose wisdom. Immediately after being granted this great wisdom, the person suddenly realizes they should have taken the money.
I feel now it would have been wiser to take the money in this quest, and I believe as long as you don’t approach a particular altar later in the quest you can avoid the bad stuff. I did get a reward for not taking the treasure, but you have to approach the alter to get it. If you had just went through the room without standing next to the altar, you could miss your bonus. That leads me to believe you could equally miss getting punished. Alternatively you might be able to get both rewards. You could not search for treasure at all in the middle room, find the altar, potentially get your “reward” then head back to the center room and take the treasure. I might have to test this later to see what happens.
I feel a real Zargon would call BS and punish anyone how took the treasure, so there is more leeway on how to handle the situation in a normal group.
Both quests were fun, and I can’t wait to proceed. One comment I have is the extra treasure card you draw in rooms with a cupboard is much more of a curse than a blessing. Each time I searched a room with a cupboard, I drew two bad cards, I believe in the 3 separate incidents I got one wander monster and a hazard opening it, though I may have gotten 2 wandering monsters at once at one point. Now when I see the cupboard I get really nervous.
Edit: I can confirm if you avoid searching for treasure in the center room, you can still get your “spiritual” reward, and then head back to the center room and take the treasure with no consequences. So human Zargons, feel free to call shenanigans if your heroes try to do this, or maybe you decide to reward them for their creativity. At least we know in the app you can seemingly get away with it.