by lestodante » Monday February 8th, 2021 6:52pm
I received mine one week ago. I opened it yesterday and played a couple of times, thats' not bad.
It basically uses the dice roll system to "eliminate" cards in play on the table.
Unlike the original game, the heroes are well balanced; there are six different "threats" to fight plus Searches and Healing options; the Threats are distribuited on the cards equally so there are 14 threats for each type while each Hero has a bonus against some of the Threats, so even the Wizard is a competitive character here and also has an advantage on healing wounds.
Maybe the Dwarf is the stronger one here because one of his bonus is focused on Searchs and a successfully search is the ONLY way to eliminate two cards with the same thread in the same turn. (at first I confused the Falling Rock threats with the Search action, so I deleted this line now).
Barbarian and Dwarf are exactly the same, having bonuses against two of the threats, Elf and Wizard are the same, both have a bonus against only one of the threats but they can heal (themselves) easily.
The content is poor and the cards leave your fingers "smoked" so I need to wash my hands after some time that I handle them. Sleeves are higly recommended here. The tiles are looking good instead. RUST card shows some printing on the bottom saying "MADE IN BELGIUM". The dice with stickers sucks even at rolling as they have a CUBE shape and their corners are NOT rounded.
There is a big waste of space in the box, they could make it half the actual size. The box cover is not even correct as the yellow frame should trim the artwork while it comes out from the edges of the frame (I've noticed the same defect on the preview pics of new release of the game too).
Cards size is almost the same of cards from the EU version of the classic HQ boardgame, just 1 mm smaller. But the new artworks are a bit more elaborated and the image frame is even smaller than the calssic cards (because they left two rows available for the card title I guess) so I had some difficults to look at the artworks (especially with Tempest). They do not shuffle easily (again, plastic card sleeves should solve the problem).
The game machanics is simple, but can be confusing at the first read as it is a totally different game.
Ten Chaos Spells are featured, which are basically negative events you draw at random, giving a malus to the heroes and there are only five bonus cards: Broadsword, Heroic Brew (they are ALMOST the same), Water of Healing, Potion of Healing (EXACTLY the same) and Rust, which is not a Chaos Spell but a bonus here.
The very negative part is: if one Hero dies, all the players lost the game. Ok, it is a cooperative game but I would allow the other Heroes to finish the quest on their own.
It could be implemented in several ways to become more attractive, already have some ideas to make this one a lot better.
Here is a pic of all the cards included:
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Last edited by
lestodante on Thursday September 2nd, 2021 5:42pm, edited 1 time in total.