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Expanded HQ Universe

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Pancho » Monday July 22nd, 2019 2:07am

That teeny tiny Heroquest box is so cute! It’s in better condition than my real sized one :lol:
It’s nice to see the Heroes and the Monsters making friends and bonding over a good game of Heroquest |_P

In regards to the dark bases, I see what you mean about it making the figures stand out. I find that it can also make the bases stand out on the (mostly) light coloured flagstones of the gameboard. For some players this is a good thing. Just a matter of personal taste I suppose, I would paint a few in different lighter shades and see which you prefer.
The most important thing is that you have taken the time to paint your models, and they look reallly great.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby torilen » Monday July 22nd, 2019 10:04am

Excellent job on the painting. Those are some beautiful minis, and I LOOOVE the pictures
of them in front of the HQ board with the box sitting next to them. That mini board table
still makes me laugh every time I see it.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Anderas » Monday July 22nd, 2019 1:18pm

Do you have this tiny HQ table also in a tinytiny version in that tiny HQ Box?

Now that someone made this joke, can please someone make another joke to make me forgetting my joke?

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How did you print those? How did you achieve that resolution?

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday July 22nd, 2019 3:05pm

Pancho wrote:That teeny tiny Heroquest box is so cute! It’s in better condition than my real sized one :lol:
It’s nice to see the Heroes and the Monsters making friends and bonding over a good game of Heroquest |_P

In regards to the dark bases, I see what you mean about it making the figures stand out. I find that it can also make the bases stand out on the (mostly) light coloured flagstones of the gameboard. For some players this is a good thing. Just a matter of personal taste I suppose, I would paint a few in different lighter shades and see which you prefer.
The most important thing is that you have taken the time to paint your models, and they look reallly great.

Thanks Pancho! Yes they really look like they have a great time playing alltogether!! :lol:

I gonna definitely try out the drybrush! And yes, its crazy, I cannot believe it myself that I am almost done painting the set. :)

I really enjoyed the whole process, I only painted a few HQ minis with acrylic when I was a kid and all these new crazy painting techniques with washes etc I didnt even know about until I started.

For some reason I still keep postponing the Gargoyle and Witchlord though, I love both modells and dont wanna screw them up. I need to figure out a colorscheme for them, I think I gonna go with a stonescheme for the gargoyle. :gargoyle:

Last edited by Weltenlaeufer on Monday July 22nd, 2019 3:18pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday July 22nd, 2019 3:08pm

torilen wrote:Excellent job on the painting. Those are some beautiful minis, and I LOOOVE the pictures
of them in front of the HQ board with the box sitting next to them. That mini board table
still makes me laugh every time I see it.

Thanks Torilen! Man I had such a blast building it, I had this stupid smile on my face the whole time! Especially goin to the copy shop and asking how I can print this picture in 1.2 cm size. :lol: :mrgreen: It was priceless. :lol:

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday July 22nd, 2019 3:15pm

Anderas wrote:Do you have this tiny HQ table also in a tinytiny version in that tiny HQ Box?

Now that someone made this joke, can please someone make another joke to make me forgetting my joke?

Back to business!

How did you print those? How did you achieve that resolution?

:lol: Yeah its an infinite loop into the microverse!

I just found some good resolution pictures of the box and board on google, went to the copyshop and copy/pasted the images into word and adjusted the size to 1.2 cm length. I made a few with different sizes, like 1,5 and 1 to see how they come out. That was it, I was surprised myself it came out so well.

For the box I just cut out a piece of plastic, painted it darkbrown, glued on the cover and painted some yellow stripes on the side.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Bfriudo » Monday July 22nd, 2019 4:29pm

Man your mini hq table is wonderful and a clever idea. I might have missed it, but are those mini card decks separate pieces as well?
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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday July 22nd, 2019 6:07pm

Bfriudo wrote:Man your mini hq table is wonderful and a clever idea. I might have missed it, but are those mini card decks separate pieces as well?

Thanks Bfriudo! I havent glued anything onto the table yet, cause I maybe want to print some more different spell cards and charactersheets and maybe get a bigger table. So far there is one artefact card, a badly cut out charactersheet, a monster card and some blue spells on the table. The cards, dmscreen and gameboard are just seperate little cut out pieces.

Oh and the table is from Thantos, zealotminiatures.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Monday July 29th, 2019 5:23pm

Mappin out the quest locations with the help of this excellent thread!


Fun to get an actual setting and connecting the quests in a world with these maps!


Here are my questlocations, I took most of them from Spooky and added a few myself. Thanks to everyone involved in the above thread!

The Maze - Mentors Tower outside of Nuln
Rescue of Sir Ragnar - dungeon under knightkeep near Castle Drakenhof
Lair of the Orc Warlord - The Caves of Ulag below the secret passage of Black Fire Pass within the Black Mountains
Mellars Maze - near Karak Norn in the Grey Mountains
Prince Magnus Gold - hideout south of Kroppenleben in the foothills of the Black Mountains
Legacy of the Orc Warlord - near Ulags old stronghold close to Black Water Lake
The Lost Wizard - secret lab in the catacombs under Altdorf
The Fire Mage - beneath Black Fire Grag, a small canyon passage section of Black Fire Pass
Race against Time - Mount of Krell
Castle of Mystery - Castle Drachenfels in the Grey Mountains
Bastion of Chaos - Karaz a Karak, east of Black Fire Pass and close to the Silver Road
The Trial - Catacombs of Verag and the tomb of Fellmarg - located in the blackmountains, at bloodpeak
Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witchlord - Karak Azul, close to the Fire Mountain
Quest for the Spirit Blade - at the edge of the Fire Mountain, east of Karak Azul
Return to Barak Tor - Karak Azul

"Kellars Keep Expansion" - part of the Underground Fortress of Karak Varn, near Black Fire Pass

"Return of the Witchlord" - Kalos, an underground keep under the ruined city of Morgheim

Capital City and Imperial Palace - Altdorf
Mentors Tower - Outside of Nuln overlooking the city

This really helps me to get thinking in between which quests I gonna incorporate the different terrain and my two outside boards.

The maps I used are directly from Spookys post in the above thread. And here is a link to some more maps:
Last edited by Weltenlaeufer on Sunday September 29th, 2019 7:38pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Tuesday July 30th, 2019 2:29pm

So far I have been using the "revisedquestbooks" published by slev. I am not using his ruleset yet but just his questmaps. They look more balanced and difficult for the heroes. I gotta check out his rules later.

I am writing this out here as a guideline for myself, cause I want to connect the quests and work in some extra missions for the terrain and outside boards where they fit. :D Work in progress!



Storyline - A Gathering Storm:

Introduction/Setting the scene: The four adventures have heard the call of the great wizard Mentor and headed to Nuln to meet him in his tower.
This is where the story begins...

1. Rescue of Sir Ragnar
The intro takes place in Mentors tower outside of Nuln from which the heroes have to travel east to the area of Drakenhof Castle to find and rescue Sir Ragnar. (Nuln, travel, Outsideboard, HQ Board)


Intromission to "Lair of the Orc Warlord" - The Caves Of Ulag!
After the rescue of Sir Ragnar Prince Magnus has ordered that the Orc Warlord Ulag should be sought out and killed. Ulags stronghold is in "The Caves of Ulag" located below a secret passage on Black Fire Pass within the Black Mountains. Mission starts at Nuln, travel north down the old Dwarf Road and to Black Fire Pass. As they reach the Black mountains the Heroes gonna meet an NPC who informs them about missing children in the area, as they meet him at Black Fire Pass looking for his kidnapped daughter. He holds the information to the secret passage that will let them avoid traversing the difficult forest terrain and avoid the Orc mountain patrols. After finding the secret passage through the mountains and avoid the patrolling guards their mission is to make it through the caves alive, avoid or use the Fimircage traps, use the secret door triggermechanism and find the entrance to the Lair of Ulags Dungeon. (DnD Session)

2. Lair of the Orc Warlord:
Heroquest Board


Intromission "Finding the Orcs Hideout" (Mountain Road Map, Outside Board)
After the killing of Ulag the emperor puts out a reward to return his treasure stolen by a band of Ulags Orcs hiding in the Black Mountains in the south, south of

3. Prince Magnus Gold:
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the Maze" (Ancient Forest Map, Underground tunnels)
Quest to find the Talisman of Lore within Melars Maze, near Karak Norn in the Grey mountains in the south.

4. Melars Maze
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Heroes gettin captured" on their way back from Karak Norn (Ancient Forest Map, Outside Board)
work in progress

5. Legacy of the Orc Warlord
Ulags foul offspring, Grak has captured the heroes and is holding them prisoner in his dungeon. The heroes must escape his stronghold, north of Black Water Lake. Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the secret lab" (Ruins board)
After their rescue the heroes learn that the Emperors personal Wizard has disappeared. They have to find out what happened to him and bring him back to safety if alive. The quest takes place in a secret lab in the catacombs under Altdorf.

6. The Stone Hunter
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the Canyon Lair" (Cavernous passages)
The Orcs in the Black Mountains have been using fire magic in their raids. Balur the fire mage is responsible for helping them. The heroes are chosen to enter his lair beneath black fire Crag, a small canyon section of Black Fire Pass

7. The Fire Mage
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Getting Trapped" (Ye Ol Inn Board, getting lured into mission)
work in progress

8. Race Against Time
After Balurs destruction the heroes get lured into a trap, into a dungeon that was rumored to hold a great secret. They have to escape. The location is near the Mount of Krell. Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the Clue" for the castle on their way back (Haunted Forest map)
work in progress

9. Castle of Mystery
After their escape on their way back they find out that long ago a great wizard named Ollar has discovered the entrance to a goldmine and build a magic castle above it. The lure of gold leads the heroes to find this castle which is located at castle Drachenfels.
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the Underground Fortress" (Cavernous passages, cavern, lake set)
The lands to the east have been plagued by Orcs and Goblins, the emperor has ordered their destruction. They are rumored to be in a strong underground fortress known as the bastion of chaos, held by a band of chaos warriors. The stronghold is located at Karaz a Karak southeast of Black Water Lake behind the Black Mountains.

10. Bastion of Chaos
Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding the Catacombs of Verag" (Ruins Board)
The Trial to become Champions, the heroes have to travel east from nuln and enter the catacombs of Verag a foul gargoyle who guards the tomb of Fellmarg, located in the Black Mountains, at Blood Peak.

11. The Trial
After the heroes have defeated the gargoyle and have been granted Champions. Gonna change the original hero minis for the Litchmyre minis at this point as their leveled up characters ! Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Finding Barak Tor" (Cavernous passages, caves)
work in progress

12. Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witch Lord
Quest to find the ancient star of West, a gem rumored to lie in Barak Tor the resting place of the Witchlord, known as the king of the dead, who has been destroyed by the Spirit Blade long ago. Barak Tor being located in Karak Azul deep in the south, in the mountains east to the Badlands. Hero Quest Board


Intromission "Entering the Fire Mountain" (Cavernous passages leading into Lava Caves)
The heroes have awoken the witchlord, to destroy him the heroes have to find the spirit blade which is rumored to be located at the edge of the Fire Mountain, east of Karak Azul

13. Quest for the Spirit Blade
Hero Quest Board


Intromission: Finding a new path through the Firemountain back" (Lava Caves, Dragonboss)
work in progress

14. Return to Barak Tor
After having found the spirit blade, the witchlord has to be defeated in his dungeon, in Barak Tor, located in Karak Azul. Hero Quest Board
Last edited by Weltenlaeufer on Sunday September 29th, 2019 7:50pm, edited 20 times in total.

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