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Expanded HQ Universe

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Tuesday May 7th, 2019 12:07pm

Figomurphy wrote:This project looks absolutely amazing. Things like this really bring out the inner child in me. Your painting also looks great. Very inspiring. You’ll have a great time with the Hirst arts stuff. The possibilities are endles. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Figomurphy! I feel the same since I bought this HeroQuest copy beginning of the year my inner child is on! I am looking forward to the hirstarts molding!! :D

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Friday May 10th, 2019 2:26pm

Oooookay here are the skeletons with a further wash and drybrush! Thanks again Krautscientist, I like them way better now! :) maybe I should add another highlight after the drybrush....


And the fimirs!! Finally, these took a while and I am still on the fence if I should do a step of highlighting. I like the wash that colored the skin, so I dont know if I should go back in with a further highlight or not. I am still a bit cautious to not overdo things, once I like a stage.....




And the mummies....I kind of started to like the dirty look the wash gave them....but again still on the fence, if I should add highlights or not....and I gotta do something with the little face part that shows.


Again, I am always happy for feedback and suggestions! :)

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby arch8ngel » Friday May 10th, 2019 4:16pm

I would highlight the mummies.

Digging out my painted minis from 15 years ago, I wonder if the matte sealer I used darkened the minis over time, because my skeletons and mummies are all WAY darker than I remember.

So now that I'm finishing up (only finished about half the total set back then -- did the heroes, undead, and half of the greenskins) -- I'm seriously considering highlighting over my old work on the mummies and skeletons to brighten them up.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Friday May 10th, 2019 4:42pm

Yeah thanks arch8ngel! I was thinking the same....I gotta say though I really dont know where I should highlight them with all these bandages...

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Pancho » Saturday May 11th, 2019 3:45am

Great job on those Fimir. I’d consider them done.

Funnily enough I’m repainting my own Mummies at the moment. I find them the most laborious due to all the bandages and the monochrome nature of the model. I’d suggest painting the small areas of flesh a completely different colour to the bandages. I went with a decaying green on one Mummy and a bone white on the other. Also, you could paint the eyes a bright colour to even more variation.
A simple highlight on the bandages and on the bases and then I think they’ll look brill.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Saturday May 11th, 2019 9:19am

Pancho wrote:Great job on those Fimir. I’d consider them done.

Funnily enough I’m repainting my own Mummies at the moment. I find them the most laborious due to all the bandages and the monochrome nature of the model. I’d suggest painting the small areas of flesh a completely different colour to the bandages. I went with a decaying green on one Mummy and a bone white on the other. Also, you could paint the eyes a bright colour to even more variation.
A simple highlight on the bandages and on the bases and then I think they’ll look brill.

Thanks Pancho! I gonna do that and gonna highlight the topside of the bandages. I wanna do the bases at the very end once all minis are done. Thanks for the tips! :)

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby lestodante » Sunday May 12th, 2019 6:55am

I agree, the mummies need washes and hilights and the skin parts need to be painted in a fifferent color (green, blue, violet or grey will be fine).
Also the Fimirs look good but even better if you can paint an eye dot on the centre of the red bulb (it is big, I guess you can do it succesfully). And you could also try to paint some light brown stripes on the axe staff to better simulate a wood effect.

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Sunday May 12th, 2019 7:20am

lestodante wrote:I agree, the mummies need washes and hilights and the skin parts need to be painted in a fifferent color (green, blue, violet or grey will be fine).
Also the Fimirs look good but even better if you can paint an eye dot on the centre of the red bulb (it is big, I guess you can do it succesfully). And you could also try to paint some light brown stripes on the axe staff to better simulate a wood effect.

Cool! Thanks Lestodante, I gonna do that. Thanks for the tip!

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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Weltenlaeufer » Sunday May 12th, 2019 5:01pm

I added a highlight to the mummies and added another wash.....I gotta say I have some difficulties with exactly [url]where[/url] to put the highlights with these....and also if I should do the highlights maybe after the wash not before....they look better but still I feel I could get more out of it...not sure how though....these are more difficult than I thought!!


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Re: Weltenlaeufers Expanded HQ Universe

Postby Anderas » Monday May 13th, 2019 12:45am

I put a lamp above mine to see where the highlights should be, and then I painted them on as seen. As my painting is mere medium good, it wasn't perfect, but sufficient.

Yours are good already.

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