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Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: April 29th, 2020, 2:56 am
by Anderas
Wow you are really productive! I always wanted to paint that snake. But I still have to do so many other models! :)

It looks good!
What in-game values to you make up for it?

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: April 29th, 2020, 9:07 am
by Weltenlaeufer
Haha cool Rusty! Nice you feel inspired! At the moment, there is no playing unfortunately because of the lockdown. I gonna run two groups, one gamegroup to play the original HeroQuest with some additional outsideboards and extra quests added for flavor. I wanna play with the new board I am building once its done and play through all the missions with that one. With the other group we'll hopefully continue our Dnd game, inspired by the HQ missions just for a framework of story. This one is more work, cause it needs more preparation for each session and I gonna use lots of terrain. :)

@Anderas: Thank you! Yeah the snake was fun, I still wanna get her some nicer eyes. I dont know about the stats yet, havent thought that far yet :lol:

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 4th, 2020, 4:17 pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Best of Inn Mods

I gonna make a "Best of HQ additions" post here in this thread, which I gonna update to keep the links to cool stuff bookmarked and in one place. I always mess up my browser bookmarks so this will fix that! :lol:

Rustys Epic cards - lingering wound deck, insanity deck etc.:

Hendars HeroQuest Compendium:

Evil Wizard Deck:

Stigs Evil Wizard Deck:

Stigs Searching Uncertainty:

Stigs DeathSave/Injuries:

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 7th, 2020, 3:51 pm
by Weltenlaeufer
I tried out the new 2 by 2 hirstarts tiles I made and put them together with the DF catacombs. I really like how they work together. Hirstarts really rocks.

The coolest prop when building a scenery for me is the Island moss (lichen). Everything comes to life when you add this stuff to a build. You can get it at modellshops but you can find it cheaper at decoration/flowershops. Its sealed so it holds the color. You can store it easily in a plasticbag and reuse it every time. Great stuff!















Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 8th, 2020, 1:52 pm
by Weltenlaeufer

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 9th, 2020, 1:53 am
by DullandRusty
Nice use of the resin catacombs! I have the heavens dungeon tiles and a few catacombs, but not as much as you. Looks amazing! My next question is rescue Ragnar with a twist. I have a red herring prisoner that can distract them from saving ragnar if they don't listen costly to my description of Ragnar. Ragnar dies on a turn based timer. If they fall they have to bring his corpse to town where it will be stolen it if there tombs and have good resurrected by cultists. If they stop the cultist it gives backstory to why ragnar betrays the empire in the later quest packs... He is resurrected and not turned into a zombie, but seems distant and off. He will run quests with heroes here and there, each time getting more violent or darker towards enemies and questionable NPCs. Thus, his betrayal is shocking but not out of left field. After seeing this, I need to get some more catacombs for the tomb he is stolen from!

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 9th, 2020, 2:25 am
by Anderas
fraggle! You always remember me that I have to get back to my painting table again! :D

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 11th, 2020, 4:05 pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Thanks Rusty, I like your Ragnar storyline! You should write out your Dnd/HeroQuest hybrid adventures somewhere here man. Sounds inspiring!

@Anderas :lol: Thats a good thing!! :D

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 13th, 2020, 3:29 pm
by Anderas
DullandRusty wrote:Nice use of the resin catacombs! I have the heavens dungeon tiles and a few catacombs, but not as much as you. Looks amazing! My next question is rescue Ragnar with a twist. I have a red herring prisoner that can distract them from saving ragnar if they don't listen costly to my description of Ragnar. Ragnar dies on a turn based timer. If they fall they have to bring his corpse to town where it will be stolen it if there tombs and have good resurrected by cultists. If they stop the cultist it gives backstory to why ragnar betrays the empire in the later quest packs... He is resurrected and not turned into a zombie, but seems distant and off. He will run quests with heroes here and there, each time getting more violent or darker towards enemies and questionable NPCs. Thus, his betrayal is shocking but not out of left field. After seeing this, I need to get some more catacombs for the tomb he is stolen from!

Red herring Ragnar! Love that little story idea. That's about 4 or 5 quests right?

Re: W's Expanded HQ Universe

PostPosted: May 14th, 2020, 3:53 pm
by Weltenlaeufer
Painting Techniques:

This is another resource/bookmark post for stuff I want to work on.

The top 5 Brush Techniques:

Priming/Zenital Priming:

How to Wetblend With Your Basecoat:

Secrets to Layers and Blending:

How to Properly Use Washes:

Layering and Glazing:

More contrast:
Contrast vs realism

Contrast Painting Tutorial:

10 pro painting Tips:

Edgehighlighting like a pro:

Underpainting and Preshading: