Keep up the great work!

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KrautScientist wrote:The new terrain is indeed fantastic, and your models seem to be coming along swimmingly as well! Of course you do realise that, with terrain this good, you will absolutely need to give it your all during the painting process, right?
Keep up the great work!
torilen wrote:That is some SICK terrain. Just looking at those first few pictures gives me
a panic attack for my characters - dark, creepy, enclosed...whew...too much
to deal with.
That looks like a ton of fun on a bun.
KrautScientist wrote:Dude, you're on fire with those monster models! Excellent work! I'm also feeling strangely proud when I see some of the models kinda resembling my recipes. It really feels great to be of help like that!
Two small suggestions, if I may: One, I think you can push the contrast of the Skeletons' bones a bit further (using a heavier wash before drybrushing). Two, even doing something simple to the bases (like gently drybrushing their edges white, similar to what I did) will go a long way and make them look more finished. Of course you can always go for more intricate stone designs as well -- but anyway, you'll be surprised to see how a slightly touched up base will make the entire model look more "complete" somehow.
Anyway, keep up the great work!
Thor-in wrote:Those look great.
I was sitting here looking at them, scratching my head wondering where I've seen these images lately.
Then it dawned on me, however I won't give out where I saw them. Privacy and all.
Great work Weltenlaeufer
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