The wilderness tileset

Hello everybody, I'm curently attempting to create a new tileset which will take place in the wilderness. This new tileset, as my previous ones, will be modular and with a squared format (6x6) so that it fits perfectly together.
You may wonder what it has to do with dungeons? Well I assume that the heroes have to travel a long journey before getting to the entrance of the dungeon, therefore, I need some new tiles to represent that journey. In fact, I created a house rule system for travelling. Basically I assume that dungeons are generally located in desertic areas, therefore, assuming you're coming from a village, an important city or the capital, your travel will take more or less time.
Let's say the nearest village is about 4 days of walking. In 4 days, many things could happen to my Heroes ! They could be attacked by robbers, encounter a wild troll, be lost, etc. Those 4 days represent 4 random events that can occure anytime during the day. As a consequence, I created a special 'random travel event' table where I can roll a D66 (1D6 is for the tens and the other for the units) and get a result which will tell me what happen to my heroes and in which settings. This system is extremely flexible, powerful and really funny because you never know what will happen!
Here is a first shot I made to give you an idea of the general tileset :

Please give me a feedback, any constructive critics are welcomed !
You may wonder what it has to do with dungeons? Well I assume that the heroes have to travel a long journey before getting to the entrance of the dungeon, therefore, I need some new tiles to represent that journey. In fact, I created a house rule system for travelling. Basically I assume that dungeons are generally located in desertic areas, therefore, assuming you're coming from a village, an important city or the capital, your travel will take more or less time.
Let's say the nearest village is about 4 days of walking. In 4 days, many things could happen to my Heroes ! They could be attacked by robbers, encounter a wild troll, be lost, etc. Those 4 days represent 4 random events that can occure anytime during the day. As a consequence, I created a special 'random travel event' table where I can roll a D66 (1D6 is for the tens and the other for the units) and get a result which will tell me what happen to my heroes and in which settings. This system is extremely flexible, powerful and really funny because you never know what will happen!
Here is a first shot I made to give you an idea of the general tileset :

Please give me a feedback, any constructive critics are welcomed !