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Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: September 8th, 2017, 9:40 am
by Thor-in
So I just recently started repainting my HQ collection. I posted a few pictures before of what I thought was a good or okay paint job in the gallery. Oh I was wrong. I've been trying out new techniques and my have finally found my style of painting (depending on what figure I'm painting at the time of course). So I thought I would post what I have done and a list of what paints I used.


For this set of Skeletons I used the following paints.
-The Skeleton
Base coat of Tamiya Flat Brown
Dry Brush of Reaper MSP Dirty Bone
A Wash of Army Painters Quickshade Strong Tone mixed with Tamiya Clear Yellow
Then I highlighted the bones with a thinned done layer of Reaper MSP Dirty Bone
-The Scythe
The shaft has a base coat of Tamiya Desert Yellow
The a few lines of Tamiya Hull Red
And a wash of Army Painters Quickshade Strong Tone
(Not 100% set on the way this looks but it will do for now)
- The Scythe Blade
Has a base coat of VMC Gunmetal Gray
A highlight layer of Reaper MSP Polished Silver
A second highlight of VMC Silver
And a wash of Army Painters Quickshade Strong Tone
- The base
Base coat is Tamiya Medium Gray
With the lines painted in Tamiya German Gray
A wash of Army Painters Quickshade Strong Tone
And Tamiya Flat black around the edge of the base
- Seal coat with a matte finish.

On a side note, working with the Tamiya brand paint can be hard. The paint drys way to fast some times and thinning it with water does not work well. So to solve this problem I thinned it with an 2:1 mix of paint and Liquitex Flow-Aid. The flow-aid slowed the dry time and made the already smooth paint flow even better.

As I finish more I'll post them.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: September 8th, 2017, 11:03 am
by knightkrawler
That's quite the improvement, right there!
Well done |_P
The bases look very good. To give them even mre depth, you could put some even darker color in some places in the gaps.
You've found a style and I like the results.
The scythe handles you say ou aren't sure about. I'd simply make them darker with a reddish dark brown.
That Hull Red you mention sounds perfect for that. By a weird coincidence, I assessed the color just yesterday in a store and decided against these specific purposes.

Nice getting some tricks how to handle the Tamiya for mini painting.
I'm loaded with paints, but Tamiya is as fine a brand as any once you've dealt with techniques and the mixing.
In our hobby, it's mostly used for blood.
For that, I mix Tamiya Clear Red with a regular acrylic dark blue and some Uhu Alleskleber, for anyone who's interested.
Veeeerry nice to know that the Tamiyas can be easily mixed in with other inks and washes,
like kicking up the very dark Army Painter wash with Clear Yellow.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: September 8th, 2017, 11:53 am
by Thor-in
Thanks for the compliment knightkrawler |_P ,

For the bases I was originally going to add some lighter stones to off set the base color and the darker lines but for some reason I didn't do it :roll: .
I think your right on the handles, if I make the Hull Red lines thinker and show less of the lighter color and maybe try the darker wash instead it will probably have a better outcome.
As for the Tamiya paint, what a chore that was. That paint was more readily available and cheaper then Reaper, Citadel, and Vallejo. So I had to fined a way to extend the workable time with it, water just made it look chalky and pool at the edges which made it to transparent in the center of whatever I was painting (basically looked like crap). However even when I made the wash of the clear yellow and strong tone, I still had to thin it with the flow-aid.
I like the mix you gave for blood, I looked up how to paint blood on minis and I found that Sorastro on YouTube has a similar mix that also uses the Tamiya Clear Red.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: September 8th, 2017, 1:33 pm
by knightkrawler
I also forgot to mention that Tamiya works well when you thin it with a water-alcohol mix,
like half and half distilled water/rubbing alcohol,
or even just the alcohol.

Don't forget to use synthetic brushes with alcohol!

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: October 31st, 2017, 9:22 am
by Thor-in
Red Tunic Orc's.JPG
Here is some Orc's that I painted awhile ago. I don't remember what colors I used except most of it was apple barrel paint from the local department store for $.50 a bottle. The only part that was not the cheap craft paint was the weapons, which I used Tamiya. I did however make my own washes with black paint and quick shine floor cleaner and water.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: October 31st, 2017, 9:54 am
by knightkrawler
The skin could use a few highlights, but, boy, these look good for such a tight budget!

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: October 31st, 2017, 7:56 pm
by Thor-in
Your 100% right about the highlights, unfortunately I don’t know why I stopped after the first highlight layer. :?

Should of done the bases like the skeletons though.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: November 1st, 2017, 1:14 am
by knightkrawler
The multi-colored bases are a little distracting, yeah.
It plays into the lack of highlight on the skin, I think.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: November 1st, 2017, 1:45 am
by Anderas
I like those Orks! They are really good.

Re: Thor-in's HQ Miniature Collection...

PostPosted: November 1st, 2017, 9:41 am
by Thor-in
I'm in the process of painting a few fimirs next, hopefully will have them up in a day or two.