French presentation including quick lines about the expansion : ... mid=200030
For those who cannot traduce it, this boardgame is made in Tchescolovaquie !
Available only in their language or english, it has already one expansion.
A giant map/board where the GM places artefacts on squares, weapons and generates monsters at each turn.
His goal : to destroy the heroes of course !
The heroes -who can level up (3 levels) while they progress on the board by collecting EXP (for a monster killed, a treasure found, a trap disarmed etc) - try to reach the megaboss and rip his head off to win the game.
One thing very interesting : no dice !
If you enter the line sight of a monster with a bow or into the area of a hand to hand combat you take the damage this monster deals (a armor class deduction is calculate of course of course !!) but BUT : you can cancel one attack by turn so you have to choose carefully and must advance with wiseness or your character will be trapped by monsters around...
You find gear etc a kind of heroscape only in fantasy and more intelligent.
Only 2 regrets we can corrige : no modular board & no figurines !!!
The expansion brings a lot of cards, new treasures, artefacts, new gear etc and new mobs + one who cannot die ...
I've ordered with a lot of difficulties -not the language but the availability !- the game because I believe in its might.
I will let you know later.