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Help identifying map/terain
Monday July 22nd, 2024 9:12am
by Macula
Currently going through big piles of 90’s ‘hammer stuff and discovered these. Anybody recognise them? They seem 25mm scaled
Help appreciated
Re: Help identifying map/terain
Monday July 22nd, 2024 5:00pm
by Gold Bearer
Warhammer Quest maybe
Re: Help identifying map/terain
Monday July 22nd, 2024 6:19pm
by b_0
I think it's from a warhammer fantasy roleplay product or a games workshop generic RPG product.
Games Workshop had a bunch of tile products for RPG's, some without the warhammer title. There were a series of "dungeon floor plans" products, "dungeon rooms", "dungeon lairs" "caverns" "halls of horror", etc. look up "games workshop dungeon floor plans" on ebay.
Re: Help identifying map/terain
Monday July 22nd, 2024 7:42pm
by Macula
Thankyou! The art looks like the first release. Another mystery solved!
Re: Help identifying map/terain
Wednesday July 24th, 2024 1:07am
by Malcadon
Oh I recognize the style of those tiles! They were made by Robin Raab, who made the artwork for the large poster maps and paper standees used by TSR back in the '90s. You know, the guy that painted the boards for Dragon Strike, Dragon Quest, First Quest, and the like. I remember he made some general purpose cut-out dungeon tiles that had a ton of variety. I think those are it. I recognize the spiral stairs.