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Blitz Bowl

PostPosted: Wednesday September 13th, 2023 7:58pm
by customized
Hey everyone,

I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with Blood Bowl, but GW has a trimmed down version called Blitz Bowl. It's kind of like Sevens (though I've never played 7s myself).

I think it's only available in the US and Europe, but Blitz Bowl is a pretty fun GW bookshelf game. Nice minis and fairly quick and fun. The rules might actually be more complex that HQ, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.

The biggest downside is that it's competitive, rather than cooperative. Which can be difficult if you're playing with kids, so I just don't play hard against them.

Its on its third edition, each is a little different.

Re: Blitz Bowl

PostPosted: Sunday September 17th, 2023 5:10am
by Bareheaded Warrior
Thanks for that post, I'm going to take a look, as back in the early 90s my gaming group made a simplified version of BloodBowl named "BloodBowl Sevens" (inspired by Rugby Sevens) using hex tiles (borrowed from Mighty Empires) and this sounds like a similar concept!

Re: Blitz Bowl

PostPosted: Monday September 18th, 2023 2:01pm
by cornixt
There is a cut-down version of Blood Bowl called Blood Bowl Sevens. It's very popular, having a much shorter play time, but it doesn't have its own boxed set or anything. Uses all the same rules but with changes to team selection and kick-off events, plus the smaller pitch. I think it's the best way to play.

Blitz Bowl uses the same models and dice, but it isn't really Blood Bowl because it uses different rules. The theme is very similar. I hear it is very good.